[ Chapter 10 ]

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So cute!! 😭😭❤️
Also yay! 1K reads!

So cute!! 😭😭❤️Also yay! 1K reads!

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Tysm!! ❤️👏🏻


"Snazzy!" They all shouted.

Adina and Snazzy's eyes grew wide, and they quickly pulled away from eachother.

Xahji ran up to Snazzy, hugged him tightly, and cried into his chest.

"I-I.. I thought we lost you! I'm so glad you're okay!" Xahji said over sobs.

Snazzy hugged her back, "shhh, it's ok. In here, you're here.. you're ok.. we're ok.."

Then, Snazzy looked over to Adina, and their eyes met. Adina looked down and walked out her room silently.

Snazzy's eyes shifted back to Xahji. She looks so worried. Snazzy just kept hugging Xahji tighter and tighter.

Snazzy and Xahji's heads perked up. They turned their heads and saw Colonna crying.

"Uh.. Colonna..?? Why are you crying?"

"Love.. it's.. it's so beautiful!"

Snazzy and Xahji chuckled. Then, she took his hand. It felt.. strange?

Xahji opened Snazzy's hand and there was a piece of paper in it.

"Uh..? What is this?" She went to reach for the paper, but Snazzy quickly closed his hand and stuffed it into his pocket.

"Hahaha... it's nothing.. it's just... a reminder.. yep! A reminder!" He started to sweat.

"Oh.. okay.." Xahji just shrugged and took his hand again.

"Let's get going home." She said, and they left the house.

"Give us your lunch money, nerd!"

Colonna and Xahji turned around and saw a group of jocks standing in front of them.

"Did I f**ing stutter? I said, 'give us your lunch money!'" The jock repeated.

"No. We're not giving you anything!" Colonna said back to them. Xahji looked at Colonna and shook her head, motioning her to stop, "Colonna, let's just go..."

The jocks got closer to the girls.

"You guys better stop or else!" Colonna shouted at them again, ignoring Xahji.

"Or else what?" The jocks smirked.

"Or else I'm telling Mr. Error on you."

The jocks and the girls turned and saw Adina. She was leaning against the wall.

"Ooo, I'm SO SCARED! Look at me shake!" A jock said, and the other jocks started laughing.

"You better be scared."

The jock's eyes widened when they saw Mr. Error standing in front of them.

The jocks just started backing away, "it..it was just a joke.."

"Well I'm not laughing," Mr. Error glared, "now.. get to lunch!"

"Y-Yep ma'am- I mean.. sir! I mean-" Then, in a flash, the jocks were gone.

Mr. Error turned back to the girls, "you guys should be going too." Then he walked off.

Colonna ran up to Adina and hugged her, "Thanks for saving us back there!"

Adina chuckled and patted her back, "no problem."

Xahji was silent. She didn't know what to do or think.

"Why? Why did you stand up for us?" Xahji asked Adina.

"Because.. I'm a nerd, just like you. I've always been."

Revenge - Xahji x Snazzy FanficWhere stories live. Discover now