Chapter One - Castiel

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Castiel sat on his bed, his little brother Samandriel, also known as Sam, sitting in his lap as his older brother, Lucifer sat in the desk chair across the room asking him homework questions. Tonight was history night.

"Castiel?" Lucifer asked with caution.

"Lucifer," Castiel replied. 'did I answer the question wrong?' He thought.

"With you not having your eyesight anymore.." Luc started, but after that, Castiel paid no attention to what his brother was going to say. He winced at the thought of the accident, he hated that memory.

'Two months before, Luc and Father had been drinking excessively. They came home, into Castiels room and asked him if he wanted to go with them. Castiel didn't bother asking where, and accepted. When Luc and Father were together, they never included Castiel, so of course he wanted to join them. This was a once in a life time opportunity.'

How stupid was Castiel to not offer to drive. They were roaring drunk and Castiel had his license. He was seventeen.

'They got in the car, Lucifer in the back, Castiel in the passenger seat, Father driving. They took the interstate, trying to get away from the fact it was the anniversary of Mothers death. Father started swerving to get around other cars, and started falling asleep. When Castiel woke him, Father got angry and jerked the car left into oncoming traffic. Lucifer was passed out in the back, being no help. Father was trying to get back on the right side of the road when a large semi came speeding our way, he slowed, but it wasn't enough to stop the impact of the two vehicles. The semi pushed them into a ditch and started rolling down the hill. When Castiel woke, he couldn't see, his face was covered in blood and Lucifer was screaming at him to get up and something about Father not moving or breathing. Turned out that Castiel got the glass from the windshield in his eyes, and he cracked his head on the passenger side window. Fathers body was crushed by the steering column through his rib cage. Lucifer came out with only a broken leg and some cracked ribs.'

Sometimes Castiel hated Lucifer for not dying like Father, or not losing his eyesight. Their eldest sister, Naomi moved back from Phoenix, Arizona to come take care of all the children, so no one had to go into foster care. There were five boys and three girls in that house, including Naomi.

"Castiel!" Lucifer raised his voice and snapped his fingers in Castiels ear. "Brother, I think you zoned out again."

"It appears that way, yes." Castiel mumbled. Sam squirmed in his arms and he let the boy down before feeling the bed dip beside him. Lucifers hand came down on his shoulder and Castiel immediately shrugged it off. "I know what you're going to say, Lucifer, and im not listening."

"No, Castiel, listen to me. I know its been hard for you since the accident, and when you hated me most, you turned to your friends, but Naomi pulled you out and into homeschooling..I know you're angry with me, and everyone in our house, but-"

"Shut up, okay? I am fine, and I always will be that way. So leave me alone." Castiel grumbled and turned away from his brother. "Stop trying to protect me when nothing is wrong. We're only three months apart, stop acting like you're Father, because you aren't."

Lucifer held his breath and let it go slowly. Castiels temper had been flaring up more and more lately. He stood and went to close the laptop he had previously been asking homework questions on before taking Sam's hand and opening the door to leave. "We'll finish those questions tomorrow, then?"

Castiel nodded and Lucifer closed the door behind him. He sat there for a moment, listening to hear Lucifer head back down the stairs, and he got up when he knew no one else would be coming in for the night. He used his memory to step toward the light switch to make sure it was off so Naomi didn't have to pay any more money for the electric bill. After all, Castiel didn't need the light. He stripped off his shirt and pants before climbing into bed and pulling the covers up. Castiel closed his blind blue eyes, realizing for the however-many-times these past two months, closing his eyes and opening them didn't make a difference. He still couldn't see.

The world was so dark and so empty without the use of eyes.

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