Chapter Two - Dean

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A/N - hey! okay so i also posted this on AO3 (Archive of Our Own) as OfficialMiisha so if you guys see that on there, i want you to know its me ^-^

Dean felt a sharp blow to the back of his head with a glass bottle. He spun around and ducked down to avoid a punch from the man attacking him. He pushed the man, an old, buff, biker dude into the table behind him and since the biker was too drunk to catch his feet from under him, he fell and broke the table. The man got up, and Dean groaned. He saw a flash of red behind the biker and heard a loud 'ding' and the bikers eyes crossed as he started teetering and Deans eyes widened when he realized the man was going to fall on him. By that time, it was too late. The man fell right on top of Dean, knocking the wind out of him. He was being crushed.

"Sam..Sammy!" He rasped but looked around the bikers fat head to see his younger brother Sam standing there with a fire extinguisher in his arms and a big grin on his face.

"Look, Dean! He's giving you the full on cowgirl!" Sam laughed and tried to help Dean push the man off of him. Dean tried getting up, but his vision flashed white, and he remembered getting hit in the head. He braced himself against the wall, hoping for some quiet so his headache would subside.

That was a long shot though. The whole bar was in a riot as beer was sloshed everywhere and men were either passed out on the floor, or were punching the other men around them. Dean and the biker got into an argument over some stolen cash, and Dean swore he didn't take anything from the old man, but the guy was too drunk to believe him. When he bartender tried to break it up, the biker picked his skinny ass up and threw him against the rack of beer steins behind the counter. That started a whole riot with everyone who stood in the bar.

Dean looked over to Sam, who was setting the extinguisher against the wall and a phone against his ear. Probably calling the cops to break up the fight. He closed his eyes and sighed. "Shit," he mumbled.

Sam hit his shoulder. "Come on, cops are on their way."

"Gimme a minute," Dean groaned. He felt the back of his head and some sticky substance rubbed between his fingers. He looked down at his hand and blood dripped off his fingers. Sam rolled his eyes.

"This happens every time you come to a bar, hurry up, unless you want to explain to the cops what happened?"

Dean looked up at him again and growled. "Head to the bathroom, I'll be there in a second." Sam obeyed and went into the mens bathroom. He went into the far stall, climbing up on the toilet seat to unhook the latch on the window and shoving it open. He threw his bag out the small space and tried to pull himself up and into the window. Dean came into the stall a second later and had a smirk splayed on his lips. "What did you do, now?" Sam grunted and Dean pulled a wad of cash out of his pocket.

"Damn bastard accused me of taking his money, so I did."

Sam just shook his head. "Help a brother out, Dean." he kicked his feet to try and get momentum to pull himself out the window, but failed. Dean bent down and grabbed Sams legs, pushing him up and letting him fall out the window. Sam landed on his feet, and grabbed his bag, putting it back over his shoulders, hearing sirens getting closer by the second. "Hurry up! They're almost here."

Deans head popped out of the window a few seconds later. "Who?" He asked, pulling himself too far out the window and doing a less-than-graceful flip and landing flat on his back. He let out a loud groan. "Damn it,"

"Who do you think? The cops!" Sam held out a hand to help his brother up.

"Oh," Dean took the help and got up, wiping his hands on his leather jacket and put an arm around Sam's shoulder. "Lets head home," he started to walk around the side of the building to head to their house but saw three cop cars pull up, and the Winchester boys quickly turned around and sprinted the other way down the street and around the corner.

"Did they follow us?" Sams head spun around and looked for any police. "Doubt it, Sammy. They didn't see us, I was just running to make sure they wouldn't. How do I lie about a cracked head?" Dean laughed and winced. His lungs still hurt.

The Winchesters walked the rest of the way home, making sure no one was following them.

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