Chapter 1

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Hey y'all! I'm so pumped to release this book! I had this splendid idea from a dream I had a while back so I hope you enjoy! I'll try to update as much as I can, but seeing as I'm a busy high schooler and life happens I apologize if I don't update for a while! Anyways, enjoy!

Warnings: None!
       She shivered as the cold Gotham wind rattles her bones. Today was the first day of school, and she was a bit nervous. Surely her mother, Ivy, had taken great precautions as to conceal her daughter's identity. In school, she would be known as Y/n L/n, an ordinary girl attending school to get the proper education, like any normal student. Except, she wasn't close to the other students, her powers, her looks, she was consistently pestered by boys, modeling agencies, but she took no interest in them. She was never interested in those sort of things, she was always captivated by nature, and the simple things in life.
Y/n was a gorgeous young girl, of course, being the daughter of Ivy that was a given. Instead of a green complexion, she was gifted with smooth s/c skin, soft to the touch just like her hair. Unlike the girls at her school, she had already gone through puberty, her plant based system made sure of that. Y/n was a gift, her mother always said so.
It took all her will to not to use her powers to warm her up, the wind was getting harsher as time went by. Ivy insisted she walked, too worried of what might happen if she were to drop her off herself.
So she did just that, pulling her red coat as close as possible to her frame while holding her bag. Y/n didn't see why she had to go to school, she was quite intelligent, and being a hero was enough. Even though her mom protested in the beginning, seeing as there are many villains in Gotham. What if she had to fight her own daughter? Y/n assured her that the day will never come, and that she'd stick to simple things like robberies and other small things.
"Watch out-" A girl, Y/n's age, tripped over the uneven sidewalk and fell right into the unsuspecting girl. Binders, papers, and pencils flew everywhere as the girl tumbled to the ground. Before the girl could hit the ground however, one arm fastened itself around her waist and pulled her up. "Golly! You have some cat like reflexes!" She gaped at Y/n, who held each of her items in one hand, the girl's waist in the other. "I'm Cat! But everyone just calls Clumsy Cat." She rubbed the back of her neck shyly, suddenly embarrassed.
       Y/n flashed her a charming smile, "I'm     Y/n, it's nice to meet you Clumsy Cat." Y/n smiled at the nickname and slung Cat's book bag over her other shoulder. "Allow me to accompany you to school, I believe we're headed in the same direction." Y/n pointed toe their matching uniforms, smile never faltering.
       "Wow! You must be new! A girl looking like you could never be forgotten!" Cat's face fell once she realized what she said, her face turning a bright red. "U-um! I didn't mean that in a bad way! It's just-your body is so mature compared to everyone else's, your mother must slip you hormone pills! AH! Not saying your mother is a bad mother I just-"
       Y/n chuckled, beginning to walk again. "It's quite alright, I understand. Thank you." She flashed another smile before turning ahead.
      Meanwhile, a limousine had seen the whole thing, and a very astonished and intrigued boy sat in the back seat.
       "Those were some moves Master Damian." Alfred spoke up from the front seat. "I wonder how she came about to harboring such quick and nimble reflexes."
      Damian nodded in agreement. The way she moved was so graceful, yet she refrained from doing more. He could see it in her eyes. There's something special about this girl, and he's determined to find out what.
(Flash forward to school)
       "No way! I can't believe we have first and second period together!" Cat chimed, skipping as she walked to class. "This year is gonna be so much better! I know it!" Y/n watched as Cat fist bumped the air, excitement clear on her face.
       "Ah here we are room C124." Y/n spoke up, peering in the classroom. A man dressed nicely in a suit sat in the back behind his desk, holding a baseball firmly in his hand. He seemed relaxed, a chill teacher. He also wasn't that bad looking.
       "Good morning!" He exclaimed, throwing the ball into the air and catching it. "I'm assuming your the new-" his eyes scanned the girl up and down, "kid." He finished, flashing her a sly smile. Y/n just nodded her head politely. She's used to this, as all adults think she's older than she actually is. Y/n just brushes it off and takes it as a compliment.
       "It's a pleasure to meet you sir, I hope to be a model student in your class." Y/n tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and smiled.
      "I'm Mr. Lee, you can sit wherever." Mr. Lee nodded to the desks, all in a row. Y/n thanked him and dragged Cat to the back, where they sat together next to his desk.
       "He seems nice." Y/n spoke up, looking over at Cat. She was turned towards Mr. Lee, watching him toss the ball while talking to another student.
       "And cute." Cat replied, looking back at her with a smirk. Y/n giggled and opened her notebook, ready to start.
       "Alright gang, so," Mr. Lee approached the front of the room, a large ruler in hand, "I'm Mr. Lee,  and welcome to my History class. Please welcome our new student, Y/n, who joined us late." Mr. Lee flashed the girl a smile as all the kids turned to look at her. Whistles and chatter were heard all around the classroom as boys drooled and girls glared.
       "Hi!" Y/n spoke cheerfully, giving the class a small wave.
       "SHE'S SO CUTE!!!" The boys screamed, making her jump. Y/n laughed nervously and shrunk back into her seat.
       "Tt, give her some respect." A boy spoke up from the back corner, his arms folded across his chest and a deadly glare present on his face.
       "Just because your dad is rich and a playboy doesn't mean you can go around and take all the cute girls for yourself!" Another boy shouted from the front, making the other boys nod in agreement.
       "It is impolite to talk about a lady as if she is an object, so please shut your mouths before I do it for you with a stapler." He finished, opening his notebook and looking back up at the teacher. "My apologies Mr. Lee, continue on."
       Mr. Lee just stands there, amazed. He quickly shakes his head and snaps back into reality. "Thank you Damian," he nodded towards the boy and cleared his throat, "today we'll be starting a new lesson on blah blah blah.."
       Y/n tuned Mr. Lee out, her attention now on the boy from before. Damian. He sat in his seat, clearly bored. He blew a strand of hair out of his face and looked outside through the windows, the Gotham rain seeming more important than the lesson. Suddenly his head snapped towards Y/n, and his green eyes pierced her e/c orbs. She blushed and turned away quickly, embarrassed that she was caught.
       Damian found himself blushing as well. He brushed the feeling off and turned his attention back on the pouring rain, trying to push the girl out of his brain. His thoughts lingered on her, going back to what she did earlier. She would make a great hero.
       "Alright, this period ends shortly so pack your things up and I'll see you all tomorrow!" Mr. Lee cheered, clapping his hands and marching back to his desk. Y/n closed her notebook and placed it back in her bag.
       "Man it's so hard paying attention when a man like him is teaching." Cat said, shoving her notebook in her bag as well. Y/n turned towards the girl and smiled, nodding in agreement. Honestly, Y/n had no interest in the teacher, sure he was cute, but currently she was interested in a certain boy by the name of Damian.
       She wonders if she'll see him again today.

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