Chapter 4

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Sorry for the long wait...I've just been sooo busy lately! But anyways,without further adeu,here's Chapter 5!!!:D

We all just arrived in New York City. Ranel and Dustin said that they would check in,and that we could just walk around New York.

Ranel:Just meet us at the hotel by 6:00,ok?

All(but Ranel and Dustin):Ok!

We decided to split into groups,since that would be easier. Kendall,Carlos,and James were in one group,and Logan and I were in another. Logan and I decided that,right away,we would go to Nintendo World,just like he promised. We hailed a cab and we were on our way. When we got there,I thought I was in heaven. It was full of a bunch of stuff made by Nintendo. The first floor was mainly Pokemon and D.S. stuff,and the top floor was pretty much all Mario stuff. I decided that I would just get some Pokemon plush. That is why I came,after all. I grabbed a bunch of plush and dropped them in my basket. Then I counted them out.

Me:Let's see how many I got...1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12! 12 Pokemon plush! Ahaha! (I don't own the Count. o.o)

Logan:Here. *handing me money with a smile on his face* I'll pay.

Me:Logan,you don't have t-

Logan:No,no. I INSIST.

Me:Well,if you say so...

I took Logan's money and paied for my things. The cashier was SUPER poliet,and he complemented my Pokemon shirt. (That actually happened when I went!:D) When I was done checking out,Logan and I decided to go get some famous NYC pizza.We found a pizza place super close to Nintendo World,so we just went there. We sat down at one of the booths and ordered a large pepperonni pizza.

Logan:So,are you having a good time in New York so far?

Me:Yes! Oh,and thanks for buying me the plush!

Logan:Hey,no problem. Anything for a friend. *smiles*

Me:Are you having fun in NYC so far?

Logan:Yeah,I get to hang out with a really pretty girl almost the whole time.

Me:Really? Who?

Logan:You,silly. *smiles again*


I blush and look at the table. Logan walks over and sits by me and kisses me on the cheek.

Me:Look,Logan...I like you and all,really I do! But if we started dating,Kendall would kill both you and me. And we don't want that,now do we?


Me:Look,I'll check with Kendall. And if he says it's ok,I'll go out with you.

Logan:Kylie,just hear me out. I know Kendork is your older brother and everything,but do you HAVE TO check with him on everything? I mean,you're 19! You're not a baby anymore...

Me:You know what? You're right! If I wanna date someone,I will! It's not Kendall's's MINE!

Logan:So you'll go out with me?!?!



Logan hugs me tightly.

Me:...........ALL THE WINDOWS DOWN. (I do not own the song Windows Down.)

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