C3. The text

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Nathan Green: So I know I only asked for your friends number. But I hope you don't mind that saved your number as well. - Nathan

Lucy couldn't hide the smile on her lips as she read the message, not even if she tried. The signature was unnecessary, she had already saved his number too. It had just happened. Maybe she had had a hunch he would reach out to her? Or maybe she just tried telling herself that to ignore the fact that she was definitely feeling her heart skip a beat when she imagined his hazel eyes looking into hers. She put the phone down on the the dresser in the hallway, together with her keys and her wallet, and began peeling off the layers she was wearing. Outside the snow was pouring down from dark grey skies. She glanced quickly in the mirror to her left, brushing away the mascara that had smudged underneath her brow. Her cheeks were rosey from walking in the cold, and the tips of her hair was decorated by small white snowflakes that started to melt in the warmth of the apartment. She called out a "hello" to her flat mates before picking up the phone again, and making her way into the kitchen.

Lucy Brooks: Well that depends on what you have me saved as.

She opened the fridge and pulled out the leftover curry that Alistar had made the night before. That had been the deal to make her come with him to the exhibition. He had to cook for her, three nights in a row - yesterday had unfortunately been the last. With a spoon she scooped the food onto a plate and put it in the microwave to cook.

When she allowed herself to glance down at her phone again she had two new messages.

Nathan Green: I have you saved as "Book thief", of course. Anything else would be atrocious.

Nathan Green: Did I pass?

She laughed to herself as she began typing a reply.

Lucy Brooks: Shit, that's a good one. Now I feel bad for just saving you as your name.

Nathan Green: Well, I suppose I haven't earned a more creative title yet.

Lucy Brooks: How about "#1 Alistar fanboy"?

Nathan Green: I love it.

The microwave beeped, signaling that the food was ready. She pulled the plate out, swearing as she accidentally put her fingers straight under the hot food. Despite having a perfectly fine dinner table she continued on into the living room and plopped down in the sofa.

Eating at a table was overrated. She much preferred being able to watch trashy reality shows while she shoveled the food into her mouth.

The blonde girl that was sprawled across the left side of the sofa eyed her suspiciously.

"You look happy." Allison finally said.

Lucy shrugged, and took another bite of the curry. "Yeah?"

"Who looks happy after a three hour long seminar about medieval literature?"

"People who actually enjoys getting their money worth?" She suggested.

Allison pretended to ponder for a moment before she shook her head. "No, that's not it."

Lucy rolled her eyes. "Okay fine. I met this cute guy at Alistars exhibit and he just texted me."

This piqued the blondes interest and she immediately straightened up, like sitting in a better position would help her hear more.

"Do tell."

"Well, we actually meet before that. He almost bought the last ex of that book I bought for Alistar. You know, the art one. Except he didn't buy it. He was so sweet and like insisted I should have it."

Allison let out a high pitched scream. It took less than a minute for a door down the hallway too open, and have a brown head of hair look out.

"What are you guys doing?" Connor asked, eyebrows raised in confusion.

"Lucy has found herself a man, that little minx!" Allison exclaimed.

Connors eyebrows shot up even higher. "Really? That's great!" He slipped out of his room, into the living room, and sat down on the armrest of the sofa. He leaned forward to steal a forkful of the curry, but after almost a year of living together Lucy was well aware of this stunt and slapped his hand away.

Her phone buzzed against the table once again, making all three pair of eyes to turn to it. She picked it up, a half smile on her lips.

Nathan Green: So what are you up to today?

Lucy Brooks: You want the pitiful reality?

Nathan Green: Always.

Lucy Brooks: I'm eating leftovers and watching the bachelor with my flatmates.

Nathan Green: I see. Subjecting ourselves to quality tv.

Lucy Brooks: Every thursday at seven o'clock.

Lucy Brooks: What about you?

Nathan Green: You mean beside searching wide and far on the web for that book you stole?

Lucy Brooks: Okay but I didn't steal it!! I offered it to you! Twice!!!

Nathan Green: Twice?

Lucy Brooks: You interrupted me the first time!

Nathan Green: A bad habit of mine. Sorry!

Nathan Green: Hey I found another copy of the book, it's a two hour car ride away. It could be your chance to redeem yourself. Wanna come?

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