Part 11

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I run towards our meeting place, slicing through enemies along the way. I stare longingly in the direction of Packhaven. You shouldn't have been frightened. You knew that he was perfectly capable of taking down that Wither by himself without 5 other people helping him.

I sheath my swords and stare at my mother in the beautiful night sky. Soon he will gain his beast form and be able to grant our gift to others. Are you as proud of your grandson as I am, Mother? Thank you for giving him those magical gifts. I'll make sure that he uses them responsibly just like Dave wanted.

I shake off the thoughts of my old companion as I begin to make my way up the mountain


I sit down on the snowy ground and stare at the dark sky, waiting for a little bat to fly into sight. I wonder what she does when she's with Michael. What kind of work does he make her do? What does she do when she doesn't have work to do other than visit me. Does she just watch him? Does she just fly around? Does she even have free time that she doesn't use to visit me with?

I stand up and begin to walk back and forth. I need to get closer to her. I need to get her to trust me more if I'm going to convince her to reveal any of her vampire secrets.

I turn around to see a bat fluttering quickly towards the mountain. "Oh hey, Nicole! How are you?"

The bat lands in the snow and turns back into a human-like figure. "Oh! Um, I'm doing great! I had a, um, great time with . . . Michael. We did a lot of, uh, magic things."

"Okay," I say skeptically. What's that smell? "Why do you smell like smoke?"

"Oh! You can smell that?"

I nod. What's she trying to hide?

"Well, I tried to go back to my old town, the one I lived in before I became a vampire, and they weren't exactly very welcoming."

"What did they do?" I ask.

"They may or may not have tried to burn me alive," she says, staring at her feet.

"They did what?" I ask. Why would anyone do that? If they lived in the same town as her, wouldn't they have known her since she was a child? Why would they try to kill her?

"Yeah, I don't think they want me to be around them anymore," she says with disappointment.

"I feel like you should be more worried about this," I say with genuine concern. "These are people that you grew up with, correct?"

Nicole nods, continuing to stare at her feet.

"Then why were they trying to burn you alive?"

"It's fine, Laura. You shouldn't be worrying about it. Stuff like this happens all the time. Sure, they try to kill me in a different way every time, but other than that, this is pretty normal."

"How many times have they done this?"

"Um," Nicole looks up and stares into the sky. "About six to ten times. I've kind of lost count over the past year. They all blend together after a while."

"If they're hurting you, you shouldn't keep going back there," I reply. She's going through a lot more than I thought.

"Yeah, I should do that," she says, continuing to stare at the sky.

I sigh, realizing that I should probably take care of her if I'm going to be a good friend. "Follow me. I'll take you to my house and we can fix you up there."


I lead her through the forest and soon we see a door in the side of a wall of rock. What if she thinks it's weird that I live inside a mountain. I don't want to seem suspicious. I look over to Nicole and say, "This is my home. It's a bit different compared to most homes as you can tell, but I really like it this way." I open the door and set inside with Nicole close behind me.

Nicole looks around my living room and says, "This place is nice! It doesn't even feel like a cave."

I smile as I walk to my bedroom and say, "It keeps me away from other people who might come knocking at my door to annoy me, but it's not too far from civilization either. If I need anything, all I have to do is walk a little bit to a nearby town." I gather some medical supplies from my room and head back into the main room.

"Are you going to use some of your moon magic to heal me?" she asks with obvious excitement.

I laugh. "Sort of. Just hold still."

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