Chapter 13: Chase

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   I feel someone shaking my arm.
   I sit up quickly, startled.
   "Wake up fluffy head!" Squeals Molly.
   "Uh huh. Up now Mols." I say rubbing my eyes slightly annoyed.
   "We're getting breakfast!" Molly continues.
   "WAFFLES!" Yells Klara from the couch.
   "Ok." I say standing up and yawning.
   Everyone else is already dressed. Nico has a red t-shirt and black shorts, fishnet tights, and a tattoo choker on. Karolina's in a ruffled yellow romper. Vic' wearing black cargo pants and his now dry sweatshirt. Molly has on an Avengers t-shirt and jean shorts on as well as what I think is a coonskin hat? Klara's in a a short sleeve knee-length red dress, and Briar is in Karolina's only black t-shirt, a pair of her jean shorts, and another pair of Nico's fishnet tights as well as a pair of her fishnet gloves.
   "C'mon!" Says Molly pulling me from the chair.
   "I'm coming Mols! Do you really think I'd turn down food?" I laugh.
   We all ride the elevator down to the lobby.
    Nico scans the area, starstuck.
   "Oh my God." Says Karolina.
   "Are you telling me forgot Christmas?" Mumbles Vic staring at the lobby decorations. We must have all been too tired last night to notice them or something, I'm really confused.
   "Shit." Says Nico looking at Molly and Klara who are too excited by the decorations to process the fact that we forgot their Christmas.
   "It's ok Nico. We got home from Chase's uncle's. We were getting settled back in LA and then there was the thing with the Avengers again..."
   I scowl at the mention of my uncle. We never should have tried staying with him, not that it was my idea, but I know now's not the time to talk about that fiasco.
   "But it's not Karrie!" Nico whispers putting her hand in Karolina's. "We forgot Christmas."
   "We can still have Christmas. I'm sure we have a while to get ready, these places put up decorations in October."
   "Actually..." Starts Briar. "It's the 23rd."
   Nico scratches the back of her neck.
   "Well... Who's down with organizing a Christmas in less than 72 hours."
   Vic shrugs. "Sure."
   "Yeah." Smiles Karrie.
   "Cool." I say.
   Us four look at B.
   "Wait what? Me too? I thought this was gonna be like an I crash on your couch for the night sort of thing..."
   "You're welcome to leave, but-" starts Nico.
   "We're here for you and would love your company." Finishes Karolina.
   Briar seems to think it over.
   "Why the hell not."
   Molly seems to have finally joined our conversation.
   "Yay! Christmas!"

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