Percy IV : "You'd lost a few cell brain"

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Percy POV

Saying goodbye to Annabeth and our other friends are relatively easy, but the uneasy feeling of why we're saying goodbye felt like it'll be our last. I really do hope not. I'm still young, underage even. I have a lots to receive in this world. Cross the "Save The World" and "Defeat evil granddad".

Anyway, it took a while, but we're finally done and now we're back in the Big House. Chiron was standing there like he'd promised, looking at us three with his thousands-year-old intense eyes. I squirm a little, uncomfortable under Chiron's watchful eyes.

"Welcome back, children. We're here to take you to the place you need to go."

Thalia start, "How-"

"-where-" Nico continued.

"-And why don't we just sail there or something?" I finished.

Chiron looked at the three of us amused. "I'm still a little shock of how close the three of you are." He admitted. "I simply could not imagine your father completing each others' sentences."

Thalia shrugged, "whatever."

"You still haven't answer our questions." Nico noted. I nod agreeing.

Chiron nod. He gave us each a cup of tea which we gratefully sip. "For your questions, we will using one of wizard's method of traveling. The three of you will go to the manor where Harry Potter and the secret organization to fought Voldemort was rested. They'd expected your arrival. And Percy, we're going to London. I just could not imagine the two of you travel in your uncle's domain."

No one object, of course. Nico quickly nod- not wanting to be in plane or boat for hours, Thalia's face paled- I knew she is imagine how high and long will she be in a plane or boat, while I flinch. Yeah. No human transportation and going in bad uncle's domain would be real good.

Thunder flash outside. I don't know whether it was because Chiron said we won't using normal ways or because he read my thoughts. Who knows. Gods are strange.

I gulp, watching the sky warily. "Okay then, Chiron. What is this method?"

"The wizards have 4 different methods to travel far. First, they can apparate. It is similar with teleport, but they couldn't do it until they are legally 16. This method also a bit dangerous. They have to concentrate to the place they want to go and do this right, or they will leave a peace of their body."

"Isn't that great." Nico said sarcastically.

"Yeah. We totally want our eyes to be left in here." I said.

Thalia give me a look, "shut up, you two. You're giving me a mental image I'd never want to have!"

Nico smirk, "That's the point," I high-fived him. Thalia rolled her eyes heavenward- she'd got use of our maturely attitude.

"Yeah right." Thalia and Nico said together, then snort in laughter.

I give them a sheepish smile, "I said it aloud, didn't I?"

"Yeah," Nico said. "Seriously Perce, maturely attitude? You are nowhere near that."

"So much for cousins" Grumbled me when the two giggling.

Chiron who'd watched the whole scene, still had an amused twinkling in his eyes. "The second method, is to use Floo Powder. Floo powder is a magic powder. We have to throw it to the fire in fireplace and step into it. You won't burn- this is magic's power. You have to said the name of the place loudly and clearly into the green fire. If you don't you can end in another place."

"Again, I don't want to go to China while I said London. I'd had enough traveling to the Great Wall." Nico said.

"You mean you'd had enough banging your head in the Great Wall?" I teased.

Nico's face is bright red. "Shut up. It was hurt!"

"Ooohh.. that's explains why you are so dumb. You'd lost a few cell brain." Thalia smirked mischievously.

Nico groan, still blushing. "Why did you two bullied the oldest one?!"

Before another argument could break, Chiron butt in. "The third method," he cut whatever Thalia want to say, "is to use broomstick. They could use broomstick and fly to the place. But however," he added when he saw the excited us, "I will not recommend amateur flier to fly to London. And it could be contain as entering Thalia's father's domain."

Thunder boom outside. I'm pretty sure that was Zeus agreeing to his brother.

"No broomstick for us," Thalia said paleface. I guess she'd forgotten about flying. Me and Nico too.

"The fourth method, is to use portkey. Portkey is usually in form of unused thing- it could be any form -and it was given a spell. The maker can choose when the time the Portkey is going. It could be no time set, too. But the Portkey only go to the place the maker wanted it. You only need to touch the Portkey- and if it has time set -touch it before the time. It was a bit spinning, but it is safe."

"So.. we'll use this potkey thingy, then?" I asked.

"It is portkey, Percy, and no. You will be using the Floo Powder."

"Whoa whoa whoa." I quickly said. "You mean, the Floo Powder like, we have to step to a fire And risk going to China?"

"Yes," said Chiron calmly. "However, I imagine you will not go to China. Several other places maybe, but not China."

"Great." Thalia groaned in annoyance.

"Why can't we shadow traveled?" Nico asked.

In instance, me and Thalia brightened at this. "For the first time, you'd finally said something smart, Death Breath!"

I ignore Thalia, but instead looking at Chiron. "This Order of Phoenix or something's members know about our identity. Why not?"

But a shook of head from Chiron quickly eliminated Nico's bright idea. "You need to lool as possible as it is like a wizard. You need to blend in. Those means you can't use your power and had to get yourselves experience a new traveling way."

Thalia and Nico groan, while I make a face. "Right. So when will we go?"

"Right now."

"Uh.. you sure don't mean right now as in RIGHT NOW?" Nico asked.

"I do mean it." Chiron just said calmly with patience of a statue.

"Okay then.." Thalia gave the fireplace a mournful look. "Who goes first?"

Me and Nico simultaneously turn to her and said in harmony, "Ladies first."

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