Thalia II : "This is going to be suck"

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Chapter 2:

"This is going to be suck"

Thalia POV

Chiron's end of speech met a silence.

We all looked at him in disbelief and a stunned shock, except maybe Hecate's counselor, Lou Ellen or something. No one said anything.

10 seconds..

20 seconds..


A minute..

And all the Hades broke.

People shouting or asking a question at the same time.


"Why did we just being told now?"

"Are you serious?"


"They use a wand? Pfft.."

"Do they has broomstick and ward nose?"

"I'm glad I wasn't the one being send."

I would've agree with the latter if I wasn't the one who's send.

"SILENCE!" Chiron shouted above demigods' voices.

We immediately shut our mouth and sit back to our chair.

"Thank you," Chiron said. "Now, please, children. It was the gods' decision, not I. Please ask your question one by one."

Annabeth-as expected-shot her hand to the air and asked, "Will their war affect us?"

Everyone instantly went tense. Whatever Chiron's answer will be deciding if we're going to have another war or not. "No. They didn't know about us, so they will not attack us."

Everyone sighed in relief. Thank the gods. Everyone will go crazy if we have another war. At least, not this far. We'd just barely recover from the war a month ago.

"Why were we just being told?" Will Solace asked.

"Because the gods didn't see a reason to told you before."

"Do they have ward nose and pointed hat and broomstick?" One of Stoll asked.

"No, they don't have ward nose, Travis. They're a normal mortal. But they do have pointed hat and broomstick."

"What if they attack us? What will we do? I mean, they use magic while we use weapons." A counselor of Iris asked.

"Because their magic was a gift from Hecate, they wouldn't affect someone with the blood of god."

"Chiron, what will we do when they're gone?" Katie Gardner, a daughter of Demeter, asked.

"We keep doing our activities. There's so many building to built." Chiron answered.

"Uh," Kelp Head started saying. "Can we say no?"

Chiron, completely serious, said, "If you don't wish to say that in front of the gods, then no."

I thought Kelp Head would say yes. I mean, it was Percy. The impulsive, fearless, idiotic Percy. I could see him saying that he refused in front of the Council of gods' faces. But apparently, I was wrong. He didn't say anything else.

"How long will we stay.. wherever-it-was?" I asked.

Please not too long.. Please, please, please..

"One year."


"Anyone else wanted to say something?"

"Where will we go?" Nico asked.

"Ah, I'll give you the details after this." Was Chiron's answer.

When no one says anything else, Chiron dismissed the meeting. He told me, Percy, and Nico to stay behind. He told us about everything we need to know. Like, about this famous kid named Harry Potter that prophesied to be the one who kill the bad guy Voldemort (AKA Moldymort). Then he told us we're going to his school Hogwarts-no, not the pig disease-, but before we'll go to the headquarter of the good guy secreyes organization called Order of Phoenix (couldn't it be like, I-hate-Moldymort or Moldymort-to-Hades'-Underpants?). There's so much more.

"Children," Chiron said. "You will go today. I will give you 30 minutes to say goodbye. You're things have been packed before, and it was already waiting you there. I will waited for you here."

And so we flee away from there. Us three-me, Percy, and Nico-walked together to the cabins.

I sigh, "this is going to be suck. I know it."

Percy nodded, "yeah. We just free from Kronos and all, but now we stuck to this Wogharts for a year."

"It was Hogwarts. But, yeah, I totally agree with you two, Thals, Perce." Nico agreed.

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