Piggy back

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"Sally face, you okay?" Larry ask. Sal nodded tiredly, he and Larry had decided to go on a hike and were currently heading back to Addison apartments, but it was a good six mile walk and they were almost half way done.

"yeah, just tired, didn't sleep well last night, nightmares again." Sal sighed.

"why didn't you wake me?" Larry ask.

"you were tired. I... didn't want to bother you again." Sal replied.

"you don't bother me, you know that." Larry stated, kissing his hand. he paused and smiled at Sal. "you're not going to make it back home dude." Larry murmured, kissing his head. Sal whined softly.

"I know." Sal muttered, reaching up under his mask to wipe his eye's. "god I'm tired. maybe we call my dad to come pick us up." Sal said.

"nah, I got a better idea." Larry said, kneeling down.

"what are you doing?" Sal ask tiredly.

"get on my back." Larry smiled.

"are you sure?" Sal ask. "m'heavy." Sal added.

"I carry you literally all the time. get on my back." Larry said. Sal shrugged one of his shoulders and climbed up onto his boyfriends back, holding tightly. he pushed his mask up some and nuzzled Larry's neck, kissing it gently.

"thanks." Sal muttered.

"anytime Sally." Larry replied, standing. he continued on their way, carrying Sal without a hitch. Sal didn't bother to fix his mask, simply leaving his lips pressed gently against Larry's neck. Larry simply smiled and carried him. "Sally, love, you okay?" Larry ask.

"mmm." Sal muttered. Larry chuckled softly.

"your mask is going to fall off if you don't fix it." Larry murmured softly, adjusting his boyfriend gently. Sal gave a soft whine.

"I don't wanna. m'tired." Sal said. Larry smiled slightly and chuckled again.

"well when it falls off I won't be able to grab it, since I'm carrying you." Larry said. Sal liked the feeling of Larry against his skin, especially his face as it was sensitive. Larry knew it. Sal was desperate for skin contact, as most people avoided him since the accident. Sal sighed slightly and fixed his mask, laying his head on Larry's shoulder.

"why do you love me so much?" Sal ask softly. Larry raised an eye brow at his question.

"um... ya know, I dunno. how do I explain it? uh.... I just do. kinda like an instinct, like... loving your parents or siblings or something. I just... fell for you, hard might I add." Larry gave a nervous chuckle. "the way you don't care about what people think, you're strong, brave, adorable. you care for people and wear your heart on your sleeve, but you live life to the fullest. you're so cute and I dunno. man I'm not doing this right... just trust I love you more than I can explain in words and in ways I don't know how to say..." Larry chuckled. Sal gave a soft chuckle and hummed softly against his neck. "why you love me?" Larry ask.

"because you're you. you don't care what I look like. you protect me. makes me really happy." Sal purred. "make me feel happy and human, not even my dad made me feel human." Sal sighed contently. Larry smiled, his heart skipping a beat.

"I'm glad you feel that way." Larry murmured, kissing Sal's hand. Sal snored softly and Larry chuckled lowly, continuing to carry Sal home. Sal tightened his hold, digging his nails slightly into Larry's skin. Larry winced slightly, shifting Sal up just a little, to keep from being choked.


the walk had been long, feeling slightly longer with an extra 98 pounds, but Larry managed. he wasn't entirely tired, but he wouldn't mind a nap. he carried Sal into the apartments and headed for the elevator.

"Larry? what are you doing?" Henry ask, pulling mail from his and Sal's box.

"he got tired on the walk home, so I offered to carry him. he fell asleep." Larry shrugged, pushing his card in to go to the basement. as the doors closed Sal shifted.

"Larry?" Sal muttered sluggishly.

"it's okay Sal, I'm heading to my room. " Larry said. Sal pushed his mask up some.

"did I sleep quietly?" Sal ask softly.

"for the most part. you whined a couple times, but only when you were slipping." Larry replied.

"hmm." Sal muttered, wiping his eye. "I should get to my room." Sal murmured.

"nah, you're staying with me. you seem to sleep better with me." Larry replied. Sal nodded against his neck. he walked out into his apartment and carried Sal to his room. he sat Sal down on his bed and knelt down. Sal gave him a tired blink even as Larry unhooked his mask, leaning forward to gently peck him on the lips. Sal smiled slightly and flopped backwards onto Larry's bed. Larry chuckled and put Sal's mask on his dresser. he pulled their shoe's off, tossing his disgusting sweat covered shirt aside. he tossed his pants aside and got onto his bed. he pulled Sal's own sweat covered shirt off. "you gonna sleep in your pants?" Larry ask.

"only if you aren't going to take them off." Sal muttered. Larry chuckled and took Sal's pants, tossing them aside. he pulled the blanket up over him and his lover, wrapping his arms tightly around Sal's waist, his bare chest pressed against Sal's bare back. Sal murmured contently pulling Larry's arms up.

"what are you doing?" Larry ask. Sal didn't answer, hugging Larry's arms to his chest. Larry chuckled softly, tightening his hold gently, rubbing his thumb gently against Sal's chest.

"love you." Sal muttered. Larry smiled and kissed the back of his neck.

"I love you too." Larry said softly. Sal curled up slightly, tangling his legs with Larry's. Larry watched him, yawning slightly. he smiled looking at Sal, whose eye's slowly slipped closed. he tightened his hold and closed his own eye's. "wake me up if you need me." Larry said. Sal gave a slight nod.

"okay. I will." Sal replied. the boys cuddled together, falling asleep in the comfort of their lover.

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