The awakening

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Hey guys so idk how often I should update this, I kinda wrote this awhile ago but I got a sudden urge to upload it hope you guys like it💕

Kousei's heavy panting over the roaring of the clapping.. Tears streaming down the boys face.

"Why is he crying?" Whispered person to person

A gloomy feeling was upon him now as he got up to face everyone. He wiped his tears and began to bow when he heard "but you have me" his heart already broken, thinking of the worst. I can't lose Kaori too he thought

After his bow he ran off the stage with only one destination. The hospital. Emi and Takeshi wanted to run after him but decided to wait for Watari and Tsubaki after the show. "I don't care if I got last place or if I die." Please Kaori please be alive.. he thought

Running faster than he's ever run before kousei could see it. More tears came and more until it blinded him.. He stopped, his clothes wrinkled poorly and damaged shoes.. By this time the show had ended and worried Emi questioned his friends. Even though they barely knew kousei they could tell that performance was a goodbye.. They rushed to the hospital to make sure he was ok but a broken kousei was found on the streets in view of the hospital but he couldn't move. Only tears could move. His heart hurt. I can't.. lose her too...

Watari hugged him and helped him up. The whole group went in there together, everyone closely watched kousei to make sure he was ok. He wanted to run to her and kiss her and hug her.. but he was prepared for the worst.. In the waiting room waiting for an answer.. Did she make it out alive? Mrs miyazono came out.. her face turned pale when she met eyes with kousei.. she hugged him.. and told him to follow her.. In the room he was led in he was met with an unconscious but alive Kaori..

She'll make it.. she'll live.. but she won't ever be strong enough to play violin like she used to.. but that's okay.. kousei fell and cried for what felt like hours.. finally his stiff body got up and went to her.. grabbed her hand and kissed it.. he didn't care if her mom was there.. he wanted to do it so bad.. she smiled and left the room. "Kaori I know you probably can't hear me and that's ok.. I did my best today I kinda ran off stage but it was worth it right? I miss you...." kousei said tearing up again.

The beeping of her monitor and the sound of his breathing was all he heard for hours.. her dad came in, not at all surprised when he saw kousei asleep but what caught his eye was his hand holding hers.. He looked like a mess. And then a certain someone's eye opened and immediately blushed realizing kousei had her hand. Then blushed when she saw her dad looking at them. She managed to get it out without waking him and smiled at her dad

"Boo!" Kaori whispered in his ear

Kousei awoke and saw her.. Pale and tired, but still smiling, his joy... he smiled and hugged her. He wanted to kiss her and to thank her but his feelings were hidden. Well not that much anymore..

Kaori and kousei talked for hours.. they talked and talked until Kaori got tired and fell asleep.. that's when kousei got up and looked around the room.. he noticed a piece of paper marked with kawaii stickers and names of cakes. "Always with the sweets huh?" He mumbles.

As he said that he noticed a small envelope with HIS name. And when he went to flip it a kawaii sticker and her name... "what the..." he said slightly louder. Kaori grumbled and rolled over.. she woke up. (Kousei here's your cue to run) "BAKA DONT LOOK AT THAT!" Kousei being scared for his life put it down before he had something throw at him.

Kaori was scared.. kousei can't know.. she thought. Kousei blushed and sat down and asked her... "so how are you feeling?" "Fine." She managed. An awkward silence filled the air. A nurse came in and said "hey Kaori time to run some tests so your friend is gonna be alone for abit Kay?"

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