Valor Force Sweet Treat

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"Ugh, why don't they just kiss already." Robbie said as he looked over at Wendy and Dipper from his seat at the counter of 'The One That Got Cafe'.

"Give them some time, they're still working things out here, I'm not even sure they've actually even talked about it yet." Lee said as he worked on a raspberry mocha.

The tall barista watched as the redheaded lumerjane and her California born friend sat in a corner booth, off in a world of their own. They were laughing at something on the laptop Dipper had brought in with them, probably some z-rate movie knowing the two of them. But he also saw the exchanged glances, the whispered quips, and the fact that the hands between them seemed to be permanently attached to each other.

It didn't hurt that he had accidently walked in on them kissing during the Summerween party. But if they want to keep it a secret, who was he to out them. He knows what it is like to have a secret you're not ready to share.

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