Who and What Now!? (1)

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3rd Person

"Wake up Zack Rose!!" A voice hollered. They voice stomped into a room, kicking down a figure. The figure groaned and said "But Isterel, I want to sleeeeep~" The person named, Isterel, gained a tick mark and said "Zack, we have to get to Beacon. New students, New people"

The male labeled as Zack shot up and said "Crap" Now is time for some introductions. The Character Zack, which ran out his room is Zack Rose. Zack Rose is a male with red hair, he had yellow and black highlights at the tip of his hair. He usually wears blue and black, like now. He's the leader of team 'ZIEY' which contains four members. He also had yellow eye's which fade to silver.

Is mostly called, 'Kaz, Zack, Az, Mr. Leader, Sir, Wolfy' or 'Leader, Master, Big/Little Brother' and ect.

Zack, usually caries weapons he makes. Two especially.  Now, Isteral on the other hand can be scary. His full name is Isterel Kōri. Isterel is usually the one Zack trusts. Isterel has black hair, and dark brown eyes. He usually wears black or white. Depends. Isterel could usually be seen by Zack, who's usually seen in a library. He would be the most trusted in in Team ZIEY. 

Zack was now walking down the stairs, his hair a little puffy. He had a dark blue shirt on w/ black pants. He had white socks on and was slowly walking. Isterel was walking behind him, w/ a white shirt a/ black pants. He wore black sock and a small smirk.

"You're awake Kaz. Ister, don't tease him" A soft voice said. (Did I mention Zack had a soft yet masculine voice, and Isterel has a deep yet soft voice (Can be real hyper). Zack stared at the male who occupied the voice. "Good morning, Akuchi" Akuchi smiled and nodded.

He followed them as they walked to the kitchen (They own a HUGE place). Akuchi's full name is Akuchi Yawaraki. Akuchi had soft tuffs of dark purple hair, and soft purple jewel eye's. He would be the most caring (Next to Zack) When it came to anything. Zack would comfort people and help them, while Akuchi would hug them. Akuchi would always be seen w/ a First Aid Kit at all times, even now.  (Yawarakai Akuchi. Rose Zack &  Kori Isterel)

They made it to the kitchen and would be greeted w/ a soft, angelic voice. "Morning guys" "Morning/Good Morning Tsukisho/Tsuki" Tsukisho, he would be in the kitchen cooking. His full name was Tsukisho Kakudo. He had light silver hair w/green eyes. He had a small petite form that would make you want to hug him. He was seen wearing a baby pink and white colors. (Usually so)

Tsukisho was usually the one to cook (w/ Zack, Zack's like a mother.) But he would make soft warm dishes. Zack would cook AND bake anything. He was seen w/ Zack basically anywhere, but not in bed, thats creepy. Zack put on a blue apron and yawned. Tsukisho chuckled as Isterel and Akuchi sat. As Zaack and Tsukisho started cooking, the house started smelling. Not in a bad way, a very very good way.

Tsukisho sat down and took off his apron. They watched as Zack finished up everything and put them in bowls or on plates. He gave them each something different and sat down, eating his own dish. 

Time Skip

They cleaned up and changed into something... interesting. They headed out, to Beacon they go! They made it to Beacon and watched as students started filling up the school. (How about that-*Smack*) Zack looked around, having students stare at the four. *BOOM* An explosion was heard as the four ran that way.

They made it to see three girls, one mad, one blank faced and one panicked. Isterel sighed and said "Students. Always the new students" The other three chuckled/smiled. The four made way to the three students. "Hey" Said Zack, staring at the three. The girl w/ silver hair turned, "WHAT!?"

Isterel sighed and Tsukisho made way in front. "Well, I don't think you should get mad. We don't know what happened but... it's not fair or right" With that, he took out a silver sword and whispered, "Five Telegrams, Teleport" *Swoosh* The girl disappeared.

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