chapter 3

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Zoey's POV

"Do you think they're asleep yet?" I ask Tony.

He shrugs, I sigh and blow a piece of hair out of my face.

"Go check," I tell Kellin.

"Why me!" he whines.

"Because," I pause, thinking. "Just go!" I say and point to their direction.

"Fine," He mumbles.

We hide behind bushes as he checks, we watch him look inside and he gives us a little hand signal motioning us to walk over.

"Are you ready?" I ask Tony and he smirks as he nods. "You look hideous by the way," I say, motioning to his costume.

"And you, my dear, horrendous as always," he jokes.

We walk over to Kellin and he jumps back slightly at how horrifying we both look. We stay silent for a while until he speaks up, "What now?" he asks.

I shrug and look around, a stick catching my attention.

I pick it up, walking into the tent, as the boys follow behind. They both look at me, probably waiting for me to do something badass. I lean over slightly, careful not to disturb them, when I poke Jai's cheek.

I look behind me and see Tony and Kellin looking at me with the 'what the fuck look.'

I shrug, turning back to Jai and poking him again, this time he moans. I jump back, surprized, and hold in my laughter along with the boys as I do it again.

"Luke, stop touching me," he groans wafting his hand. We stiffle laughs again.

This time I trace the stick along his leg making him smack the stick causing it to snap. "Luke you fuck head stop touching me."

"I'm not touching you," Luke whines.

"Piss off," he mumbles.

Kellin leaves, not being able to muffle his laughter unlike Tony who bursts out laughing, causing both Luke and Jai to wake up, sitting up wide eyed as Tony and I stand there frozen in place.

Jai lets out a high pitched scream startling us, making him turn around and flip the tent over. We all fall and I end up on top Jai.

I lay on top of him as he screams, his hands up in defence making me scream as well. He throws me off and lets out another scream as they both crawl out of the destroyed tent.

"Fuck this! I'm not dying tonight!" Luke yells out from a distance.

Tony and I crawl out laughing our asses off as we meet up with Kellin.

"'Fuck this, I'm not dying tonight,'" I mock Luke, laughing.

"What happened in there?" Kellin asks.

"Well when Tony here burst out laughing," I fake a glare towards Tony. "They woke up and then Jai went all ninja turtle and knocked the tent down making me fall on top him as he screamed in my face."

Tony laughs, "Why did we not get this on video?"

I laugh too, "CC left at the best part."

And she did, claiming 'it was too late to be out' and that she should go keep Joy company. But we all knew Joy was already asleep at this time and CC just went home.

We sit down on some logs as me and Tony take our hideous costumes off. I pull my wig off, getting it stuck in my earings making me groan.

"Tony help," I say. He gets up and sighs as he helps me.

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