I think I'm too much
Too much in love
You know I'm too much
Too much in love
She thinks she's too good
Too good for me
Wish now that she would
Just set me free
When the nighttime comes
Whispering her name
But she keeps sayin'
It's a game
Now we feel fine
Just her and me
We're both content
Live happily
When the nighttime comes
Whispering her name
But she keeps sayin'
It's a game
We think we're too much, mm
Too much in love
We know we're too much

PoesíaA collection of all the lyrics to every single song that The Easybeats recorded and/or performed. (If there are any I've forgotten please let me know.) If there are any mistakes please comment and I'll try and fix them. I do not own any of the songs...