Chapter Ten: Audriel

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Mynoa, Rundil

“Prince Jyrik left at sunrise this morning, Your Majesty”, Owyn Parrett informed Audriel upon her arrival in the throne room.  He was dressed in his fine furs that he obviously wore this morning.  His cheeks were still crimson from the winter’s wind.  “Your lord uncle escorted the murderers to him personally.  I can assure you that they will never break their cages.”

Audriel nodded and yawned as she sat in her throne.  She wondered how her father managed to awaken so early in the morning and still function so well throughout the day.  “Thank you, Owyn”, he said mid-yawn.  She silently thanked the gods that her mother had not just witnessed that most unladylike display.  “I can understand why my father loved you so.  You’re loyalty is unwavering.  It is something to be admired.”

The steward bowed deeply.  “You are too kind, Your Majesty”, he said as his cheeks reddened even more than they already were.  “It is my duty as steward-of-the-king to serve you in any way you need me to.”

“Would you please send a bird to Frostfall and inform them of Jyrik’s departure?  I know that they are not to be expected for nigh two months, but it would be comforting to me if they would already be informed.”  Owyn bobbed his head.  “Use my fastest bird.”  He nodded again.  “And use my personal seal for the letter.”

“Yes, High Queen”, he said as he nodded his head.  Audriel waved her hand in dismissal to him and he exited the room.

The stain-glass windows of the throne room filled the room with the sun’s light.  The morning sun always lit the room in such a way that was more beautiful than the midday sun.  Much like the Great Hall, the windows of the throne room depicted scenes of Rundil’s history—the history of the empire.  For many hours as a child, Audriel would stare at the lightened windows and place herself among the scenes they depicted.  Her favorite window depicted the scene in which her ancestors overthrew their Ice Kin enslavers and ran them back to their frozen homeland.

She stared expectantly at the entrance to the throne room for the first of the day’s petitioners to enter and begin her day of ruling an empire.  A figure entered the room.

“Announcing, his lordship, Lord Lucien Vangallen.”

Audriel felt her jaw go slack.  Lucien?  She had not seen the snake since her father’s funeral near a fortnight ago.  What could he possibly want now?  Her eyes fell to her hand.

“I apologize her interrupting you, Your Highness”, Lucien began.  She jumped in her seat having not noticed him approach her throne.

She put on her best smile and sat straight in her seat.  She would not allow anyone to see her as a poor ruler, least of all Lucien Vangallen.  “No need to apologize, Lord Vangallen”, she said in an airy voice.  “It is my duty to serve all of my people.”

He bowed deeply to her, so deeply his charcoal hair fell over his shoulders.  “Please, Your Highness, I wish to be called my chosen name.”  He rose and locked his grey eyes with her own.

“As you wish, Lucien.”  The name tasted bitter in her mouth.

He bowed his head and smiled.  His white teeth glistened off the light pouring into the room.  “How are you faring with your new position?”

Audriel’s eyes narrowed at him.  What sort of game is he playing?  His voice seemed genuine, which is what caused her the most anxiety.  “I believe I am faring well, thank you for your concern.”  She paused, chewing the inside of her cheek.  “Surely you have come to me for reasons other than to see my condition?”

His light laughter rang in the hall.  “Always straight to the point, are you not?”  Another fit of laughter came over him.  Audriel chuckled politely, but remained stoic—not that Lucien paid any attention to that.  “But yes”, he told her once his laughter calmed down.  “I have come to speak to you on a matter concerning your finances, or rather lack thereof.”

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