Chapter Twenty Six- part 3: Elendil

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“Prince Elendil,” Cherche greet with an awkward curtsy, as she was wearing only trousers and a tunic.  “It is a pleasure to see you again.”

“Thank you, my lady,” he stuttered out.  “How pleasant it is to see you again.  I had not expected to meet again anytime soon.”  Gods, he wanted to kick himself.  This isn’t how he imagined their next meeting.  Though it was better than how he was picturing it this morning.

“I was afraid of that as well.”  She looked to her seat and cleared her throat.

He was clear of his shock for just a moment.  “Might I join you?”  He gestured stiffly to the table.

She smiled politely.  “Of course, my prince.”  She reclaimed her seat and he slid in on the bench next to her.

A plate was placed in front of his and he filled it with the delectable smelling bacon and sausage, with an apple tart.  His stomach would be appreciative, even though he felt as if he had lost him appetite.  “How are you faring, Lady Cherche?”

She took a sip of her ale.  “I am well, Your Grace.  I have come to speak to my cousin concerning the state of the north.”  She paused, biting her lip.  “In case you were wondering why I was here.”

She was not used to watching her words, he could tell.  He wished they didn’t have to.  But he knew Audriel had spies everywhere, watching him.  They couldn’t speak candidly like they were wont to do when they were alone, so they had to watch their words.  Pleasant casualties would have to suffice.  “Indeed I was.  How are things in the north?  Cold, I’m sure.”  He gave an awkward chuckle at his bad jest.

“Spring will be there soon enough, just as it came here.  Perhaps it will be by the time I have returned.”  She took another sip of her ale.  “The north is faring well.  I was sent to speak to her about matters concerning the mines of my town.”  She rubbed her nose, her tell of a lie.  There was a different reason why she was here.

“Ah, yes,” he said, after swallowing a bite of sausage smothered in molasses.  “I’ve heard that Pell’s Stone had some of the largest mines in all the empire.  It would be a shame if anything were to happen to them.  I will pray to the gods, named and unnamed, that the problem is resolved.”  The true problem, whatever that may be.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the dark haired Noyce eying him with narrowed eyes.  His father was a member of Audriel’s counsel, he recalled, as well as once a friend of hers when she was just a little princess.  No doubt he would be spying on him and relaying everything back to his father, who would then in turn relay everything back to Audriel.  But Cherche was here.  That changed everything.  Didn’t it?  Were the gods trying to tell him something?

“I had from my lord husband that there were problems in the mining towns up north,” Lady Catryna Tarly included.  “Something about strange cave-ins or something of that sort, correct?”

Cherche nodded, keeping her eyes down at her plate.  “Yes, my lady.  My father is fearful that the activity would keep the miners from entering the mines.  He is hoping that the High Queen will lend some money to reinforce the mines for the workers’ safety.”

“A noble cause to travel so far for,” another portly lady chimed in.  “What is your name, child?  I never caught it.”

Elendil saw a flush creep up her neck.  “It is Cherche Valery, my lady.”

“You said that you were the High Queen’s cousin, correct?”  She nodded.  “On which side?  I’m afraid I can’t recall your house.”  Elendil wasn’t sure whether the fat woman’s ignorance was true or feigned at the behalf of embarrassing Cherche.

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