The Real Romance Tea

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I know you probably weren't expecting to get talked to about Romance today but you're welcome, cause here I am giving you a dose of some real tea.

When I first met someone who liked me, and I liked them, and we were talking, and we went on a date, I was over the moon. I thought, this could be it. Finally, someone likes me. Someone who I like, someone my age, someone who sounds really interested in me. Well surprise, surprise, his interest waned, and I saw it in the less texts, and when he didn't ask me on another date.
And I was honestly like WTF.

It was then that my mother told me,"Men like to pursue women. It's in their nature." I completely disagreed with her at the time because men aren't animals, sis. But then I was diving into my romance research on "How To Get Him Interested In You", when I came across this bald romance expert guy.

First thing he says, "Men like to chase." Well fricking great, my mom's right. So I listen to this guy, and let me tell you. He was onto some shit. Men like to chase. And once they have you, they don't want you anymore. Why do men like to chase? I honestly don't know. Maybe it's in their false idea of masculinity that they have to be some "bachelor", talking to a bunch of girls, because I mean how lame would it be to settle down? When you could have 6 "hoes"? As if!

So I'm like okay, boys like to chase. Great, what am I supposed to do with that? Run my whole life? Play hard to get for every guy I like in the hopes that they'll be interested enough in catching me?

Hell fricking no.

Listen, as a female teenager in the 21st century, I'm telling you i have places to be. I was born to make change, inspire people, and I'm a fricking boss bitch who has a lot of shit to do. I cannot waste my time with boys who don't want to spend their time on me (getting to know me, etc.). Because at the end of the day, it's time. Boys (seem like they) don'thave time to build a relationship. They want kisses, and sexy time to appease their unending horniness (sorry guys, I know you're not all like this). It probably explains why my first kiss with this boy also happened on the first date.

And sure, he said we could start over, erase the kiss. And that shit was right out of a book (The Selection by Kiera Cass, to be specific), and it was highkey romantic. But at the end of the day who are we kidding ourselves? Things can never be undone, that's why people, especially girls, treasure first moments like that so much. And listen. Truthfully, I'm not mad about my first kiss, I honestly think I dreamed it up.

But you know what else? We all have to stop playing around. Boys aren't the only ones who talk to a million girls at the same time. Girls do that too. Personally, I think they talk to a million guys at the same time in the hopes that one will actually chase them enough to be boyfriend material. I also think they do it so that they won't get too emotionally attached to the one they're waiting for. And don't even lie to yourself. You can maybe think you like two people at the same time, but that shit just ain't true. You know you have that one person you wish would just fricking respond and give you all the love and appreciation you've been waiting for.

And texting? Don't even get me started on that shit. You all are horrible texters. Even me sometimes. You're never consistent, take hours or days to respond, and only give like one-word responses. Well damn, if I wanted to fricking have a conversation with emotionless Siri, I fricking would. Consistency and communication are key. And if you can't do both, then I'm telling you now, you're relationship won't last for a week.

And yeah sure, Skype and Facetime work. Phones calls too. But fricking do it. Call them up. Tell them you like them. What are you waiting for?

Are you waiting for some Instagram model, with big boobs, a big butt, and plush lips? You waiting for some girl who's gonna give it to you on the first date? And you, you waiting for some Abercrombie guy with a nice jaw and blue eyes? People rarely exist like either of the types of people I just listed. They're facades that you see all over Instagram or social media. Stop lying to yourself. Maybe you wanted that Instagram model because damn she's fine, and maybe all your boys are gonna go wild. But at the end of the day, you know in your heart that's not who you want walking down the aisle to you. And maybe you like the bad boys with the leather jackets who like to vape and are "aesthetically pleasing" to your dream relationship where he whisks you off on his motorcycle. Maybe you like the fuckboys with the smirk, you know the one, because they're dangerous, and you want to feel beautiful because they chose you out of the millions of girls at their feet. But you know in your heart, you want a nice guy who's going to treasure you and who's he's going to treat you right, and maybe he's not the hot guy you had in mind, but he's yours.

The problem is that we all want these "types" of people because growing up we thought they were the most desirable. But that person isn't real. They're in movies and books and TV Shows. And yeah, maybe they're some exceptions. But you know the truth. Maybe you like chasing, maybe you like playing the long game. But the long game doesn't go forever and soon enough you're going to be crying on the floor wondering why he doesn't like you or how you lost her.

Just live your goddamn life, no games, no fuckery. If they talk to you everyday & facetimed you for 4 hrs, they fricking like you. And if you like them, do something about it. I don't know why you think you have enough time to play these games. Your life could end today when you die from fricking laughing too much (true story). This person was brought to you for a reason. Enjoy it while it happens and live in the moment. Even if it ends bad. And even if you don't have someone right now, someone will find you. Remember kiddos, the Universe never disappoints.


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