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"What you see is what you get."

Put On Your Life Glasses. Your paradigm is how you see things. How you see yourself, others, and your perspective on any subject or matter is your paradigm. Your paradigm of self can make or break your life. If you keep a negative personal paradigm, you are bound to create false beliefs of yourself, thus creating limitations on what you think is possible for you to accomplish. An example of this is, "I'm so stupid, I'll never get into a good college." You have now led yourself to believe you won't get into a good college and therefore are not likely to try your hardest. However, having a positive paradigm of yourself can lead you to obtain your wildest dream, because of the belief that you're good enough to do it. Often times, you are not aware of how capable you really are. You may need someone on your side to push you and assure you of yourself and then you will begin to see yourself the way you are seen in their eyes.

Paradigms on Life Based Off the Wrong Thing. Often times, teenagers live their lives letting the wrong thing affect their paradigm. Parents, friends, school, boy/girlfriends, work, self. Living by any one of these things will not only knock your paradigm of life completely off balance, but cause your life to take a turn for the worst because obsession leads to failure. If you focus on living by your schoolwork, nothing will be good enough, and you will have wasted the most important years of your life stressing over achievement, when in reality, you could always achieve. If you focus on living by your friends or boy/girlfriend, you'll never fully understand how to please yourself with your actions because you'll be too busy thinking, "Will this make him, her, or them happy?" "Is this something he, she, or they would do?" And truthfully, it doesn't matter, because they don't define you, nor will they change the direction of your life. There are many things a teenager commonly allows to greatly affect their paradigm, but none of them are the right thing, if it's not principle. Principles include, but are not limited to, honesty, loyalty, love, hard work, respect, fairness, and responsibility. Living based off any or all of these principles will surely get you ahead in life, and will assure you peace of mind.

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