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Four hours go by, and all four of them are still battling. None of them seem to be getting tired of it, though they're all starting to sweat a lot. This was their fifteenth battle, and so far, Valt has the most wins out of all of them, with eight. Sisco comes next, with four, followed by Cuza, with three. Finally, Rantaro, with zero wins at all.

"I'm not stopping until I win something!" Rantaro says. "I've been on a losing streak!"

"Stamina types suck," Sisco says. "That's why you keep losing."

"Excuse you? Free's Bey is a stamina type!"

"Yeah, but Free actually knows how to use it." Sisco sticks his hands in his pockets.

"You better be nicer to me or I'll burst you." Rantaro stares at his Bey. It's still going. So far, none of them have been knocked out.

"Ha! As if." Sisco stares at the battle, too. "Honestly guys, I'm getting a bit bored with this."

Cuza and Valt stare at him. "You're getting bored!?" Cuza says it like he can't believe it. "Why are you getting bored!?"

"Because the same thing happens every single time we do this." Sisco waves his hand in the air dismissively. "Rantaro goes out, then Cuza goes out, then I go out, then Valt wins. It's the same every single ti-"

Sisco hears a burst. He looks down, and his eyes widen in disbelief. He sees the three pieces of Kreis Satan spread throughout the stadium. He sums up all of his thoughts in two words:

"No. Way." He clenches his teeth and his fists, and looks at everyone in front of him. "Which one of you-"

"Ha!" Rantaro says, completely interrupting him "I told you so!"

"That couldn't have been you!" Sisco looks at him. "Valt probably burst me."

"No!" Valt cries, falling to his knees. He watches his Bey sail past him and land on the ground. He grabs it and jumps to his feet. Instantly, there's a smile on his face, and he's ready to cheer his friends on. "It's Cuza and Rantaro, now!"

"Oh yeah!" Cuza says. He jumps into his signature handstand and gives Rantaro a grin. "You're going down."

"No way." Rantaro gives him the same look, minus the handstand. He does a wild gesture and stares Cuza dead in the eyes. "RAGNAROK, NOW!"

"CHRONOS!" Cuza shouts.

Valt and Sisco stand and watch. "Rantaro's gonna lose," Sisco says.

"You don't know that," Valt responds.

"Cuza's way better than him."

Rantaro and Cuza keep shouting at their Beys. They are screaming so loudly it's a wonder nobody outside of the room has come in to see if they're okay. It probably sounds like someone is getting murdered.

Then again, this is the WBBA. People scream at their Beys all the time here. It's just an everyday thing in the eyes of the employees. It doesn't sound like bloody murder. If someone did shriek in pain, it certainly would sound different than: "BURST HIM!"

In the end, Cuza does win. Rantaro's Bey bursts right before his eyes. Rantaro looks like he's about to faint, while Cuza looks like he just won the lottery.

"Called it!" Sisco shouts.

"Oh shut up!" Rantaro responds. "It's not like you won!"

"WOOHOO!" Cuza shouts, doing a back handspring across the room. "YES!"

"I call foul!" Rantaro shouts. "Excessive celebration!"

Cuza jumps to his feet again and flashes a grin. "Good game, guys! That was a real show-stopper!"

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