Girls potion

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Ginny's pov

I added in my hair to the pink foamy mixture. The foam started moving to the side as memories appeared in the middle.

I walked in the halls clearly lost when I bumped into someone. "Ow sorry I wasn't looking" he said I looked up and smirked. "You must be a Weasley and new" " how did you know?!" "Red hair and clearly lost" I blushed of embarrassment. "Well you must be lost cause your wondering around the halls too" he smirked "bye bye red"

Next memory

I was going outside when I bumped into someone "nice to see your still clumsy red" Zabini said. I glared at him. "You and your friends teased and laughed at my friends and you expect me to be nice to you?!" I picked up my things "goodbye Zabini!"

Next memory

I walked down the staircase to Neville. I saw Zabini with clear jealousy in his eyes

Next memory

We were in Umbridge office after she left with Harry and Hermione. Zabini held my wrist tightly. "If you let me go Zabini, I will forgive you for teasing my brother." I whispered to him. He thought about it until he said "I can't do that red. Hopefully you can forgive me for this in the future" he said "can you at least loosen your grip" and he did so. Electricity shot up my arm

Next memory

I looked at Zabini when Harry came out of the shadows. He looked sorry and almost as if he was pleading to be saved but he knew that could never happen

Oh god! My soulmate is Blaise Zabini

Luna's pov

I skipping through the halls when I saw a group of Slytherins bullying people my age. "Hey!" I said the turned around. "That's not nice and if your not nice creatures will come to feed of your molecules at night" a boy walked up to me. He had brown hair and blue eyes. He smirked "and how do we prevent that from happening" "well first be nice then where this necklace" I gave him a necklace then skipped away

Hm what a weird

Astoria POV
I was by the lake make a flower crown when I heard something or someone. "Hello?! Anybody there??" I saw potter stubbing out of some bushes "up to some more trouble I see, eh potter?" He gave me a look as sun shined in his eyes "uh yea Greengrass. Gotta go bye!"

I blushed. I always had a crush on potter but never showed it.

Pansy POV

I was walking down a corridor when someone bumped into me and all my papers scattered everywhere. "Ugh!" I groaned in frustration. "I'm sorry" the boy said as he finished gathering up my papers until he looked at me "... Parkinson" I looked up as I finished picking up my other papers. "Thank you Weasley..." we stood in silence "bye" I said while clearing my throat then walking away.

A/n so I'm not doing the guys and I kinda got lazy so I did one memory for Luna, Astoria, and Pansy soooooo yea BYEEEEE

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