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Hermione's POV

My... my p-pairing is D-Draco M-M-Malfoy... great! I looked up from the potion and waited for any other introductions. Then I saw Ginny look up from her potion. "Who did you get? I bet you got Harry! I mean all I every saw in you too was true love!" She shook her head. "I got Zabini" she said quietly. "Oh Ginny, I got Malfoy... Hopefully the boys get better luck." As if on cue Ron turned around and said "I didn't. I got Parkinson!" Then we turned to Harry "oh well I got Greengrass..." he said.

"Which one?" I said. "Astoria..." Then Ron said "well at least you got the nice ones out of the slytherins!" Then Professor McGonagall got our attention. "Please go to your partner and talk while Professors will come around and give you keys there's houses right outside Hogsmeade that you will live in. When you have a kid you can expand the house more by saying addere locus"

I then walked to Malfoy. "Hi.." I said awkwardly. He looked up and smirked "hey." We awkwardly stood there till he spoke up "I just wanna apologize for my past behavior and hopefully we can start fresh since we are 7 months together." I looked up at him and he held out his hand then I shook it and gave him a smile.

Professor Sprout gave us our keys and address. "Let's go"


We walked to the houses and found house 18

We walked to the houses and found house 18

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"Well... lets go explore" I said.

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