Chapter 5 -Photo-End

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I decided not to elaborate on the 'perfect' photo Shen Wei discovered for his desk.

Love makes blind fools out of us all and Shen Wei is no exception. If you find one, dear wonderful Reader,  that you especially like,  I'll add it to the story.  

But, I'll leave that up to the Reader to decide ultimately, which one of the many wonderful photos of Bai Yu,  you choose to imagine.  :)


There was a woman admiring Yunlan.

She was pretty he supposed, with flowing long hair artfully arranged over her bare shoulder. Yunlan wasn't looking at her though, but he did look amused, his foxfire eyes staring at the camera but his head was slightly tilted, a faint curve to his rose blush mouth that was all at once, sinful and adorable.

He ran a finger down the curving line of his jaw, circling over the bare chin and his gorgeous top lip, that had just the slightest amount of shadow visible. His hair was almost in the style it had been, when they had first reunited, brushing over his right eyebrow.

Shen Wei breathed out slowly, a heart full of love and worry for this one man, the other half of his soul, currently in another city.

The other glorious thing about this photo, was the police uniform he was wearing and he longed to to lift that collar, straightening the disheveled ends. To run his hands down the planes of Yunlan's chest, smoothing out the creases. He wondered what those epaulettes  would feel like beneath his fingers and if he could find this very uniform in the closet next door...

He knew where his medals were. He had found them by accident, during the time of Yunlan's blindness, putting away his shirts. There in the drawer had been the rectangular boxes and in the next drawer, in its own in a bag was his uniform cap. He'd given into temptation a few days later, pride filling his heart as he admired the number of medals he possessed and later when he had researched their meaning, no small amount of awe. Kunlun was always a warrior at heart.

Pressing his fingers down on the blue plastic ruler, he picked up the bronze dagger beside him on the desk. It was a curved blade and he had honed it to fine edge, carefully kept for centuries for the tribe symbol of Kunlun along the hilt. The Flower Tribe had presented it to him after the last truly bloody conflict between the Yashou and Dixing. He had treasured it now for four millennia. But it was only fitting to use it now.

The blade took half of the woman in one long slice and a second cut, with a quick turn of the ruler, removed her forever. He didn't blame her for her admiration, it was natural when standing beside such masculine beauty, but that didn't mean Shen Wei didn't feel some satisfaction, when he tipped the excess photo pieces into the bin by his feet.

Zhao Yunlan was his after all.

He then placed this photo beside the other choice, already trimmed. In this one, Yunlan was sitting on his motorbike holding a different helmet to the one he saw nearly everyday. He wasn't sure, but he seemed to be in some kind of bike shop or garage, possibly getting the motorbike checked or fixed. He was wearing casual clothes, but it was the jeans or whatever they were, that constantly attracting his eyes, like the pull of a magnet. They were too short, displaying shamelessly, an indecent, glorious and alluring amount of his toned calves.

Yunlan's eyes were looking at the camera, obsidian pools staring at him behind the curtain of his fringe, amused and searching. There was something a little vulnerable in those eyes, something delicate and sweet, the expression one he had never seen before, intensifying the protective love always in his own heart.

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