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Before I start, this chapter may have touchy subject for people who dealing with sexuality and living in a religious household. I know there's people there like that because I'm like that. And I would like to have a heads up! So be warned.

Dylan POV

Got on the bus and yeah. Nothing to report so far just random bullshit. Like a kid being pissie with his Mother. And a drunk guy singing "Jackson" by Johnny Cash. I think. Before we go, an older man sits right next to me. We exchange a few looks.

"Oswald," he said offering his hand, "nice to meat you."

I take it, "Dylan. Ditto."

Then we just carried on with our Lives. He is reading a Time Magazine. And I'm reading "Carry On" by Rainbow Rowell.

He obviously notice the book. Because he made a sound of disgust. But I didn't say nothing.

After reading a few chapters, I put on music. Beyoncé filled my ears.

And I thought he way over the Gay book thing but no.

"You know I got a church Pastor that can help you." He said.


"Help? With what? I didn't know I was possessed" I said

He chuckled, "No, like a conversion thing."


" There is no need for that" I said looking out the window.

"No, there is a reason for that. Its the sin of Solam."

I knew what that was I've been to church before. "No, I don't want to do that"

"I'm trying to help you from a eternity of hellfire and pain" in his luggage he pulled out a bible.

He started praying. Oh,no.

I started making my way to another seat and that is when he grabbed my hand.

"In the name on the holy ghost; I rebuke the demon that made this young man homosexual!"

for an old ass man, he had a strong grip. I struggled to get out. Oswald started praying in tongues and that's when other passengers helped me out. They grabbed the opposite side of my and pulled. And they had to escort him out. And that was the climax of it. Then I came to my stop. And I told Robin to pick me up.

Once she did, I told her I need to see Adam.

Adam POV

I'm laying on Lindsey's lap. She's playing with my curls. I told her about my mom. She just hugged me. Lovingly. 


I look at my phone. Robin. It said.

"Dylan's here!" I could tell she is dancing.

Holy shit.

"Can I meet him?" I asked.

"Nah, shit, wise one," getting all sassy with me,"Of course! I'll text you the Address."

"Okay!" Not trying to hide my excitement, I get ready.

When I got ready, Lindsey is in the doorway, "Clearly, I'm coming to."

"Okay!" We stupidly smiled at each other.


I pulled into the house. It wasn't like Dylan's.

I got out of the car. A man came to us."You Adam?" He asked.

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