Chapter 4

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Jin's POV after his shower.

After I changed in the bathroom I got out and was going to my bed Taehyung was already asleep. I ignored him and got in my bed. I couldn't sleep so I got my phone and texted Suga, Namjoon, and jungkook as they where normally awake at this time. " can't sleep huh" Taehyung said. " jeez I thought you where asleep." Taehyung laughed. " nope I can't sleep because you won't tell me." Taehyung said. I could hear Taehyung got up from his bed. He walked over to me. I didn't look up," why do you want to know so bad I told you it's stupid.", I said.

Taehyung sighed. He started to move to the bed and laid down next to me. His hand around my waist " just tell me or I'll leave" Taehyung whispered in my ear. I felt good right now but I couldn't do it. I couldn't have him on my bed with out him knowing. Knowing that I liked him. I could feel tears in my eyes. I couldn't keep them in. I tried to resist the urge yet they slowly began to fall. " are you crying" Taehyung said . I stayed quiet. He released the grip on my waist and grabbed my shoulder and pulled me to look at him. He took my phone and turned it off and put it down. " what's wrong with you ." I tried to remove his hand off me but I couldn't he was to strong. I could feel tears coming down my face. " why won't you tell me." Taehyung whispered. " b-because I don't want t-to" I said. Taehyung got up and left to his bed. I cried myself to sleep.

Next morning still Jin's pov

I was awake before Taehyung so I decided to text my friends we had a great talk. Until Taehyung woke up and grabbed me by the collar and pinned me against the wall. " it's the next day pabo tell me now." I shook my head. Taehyung let go of me but I said on the wall. " you will tell me whether it's stupid or not." Taehyung said. " okay you really want to know you desperate piece of feces." I said. " what did you call me" Taehyung said madly. " do you want to know or not oh and I called you feces". I said calmly. And once again he slammed me against the wall but this time harder. He punched me in my stomach but I was used to the pain. " you never call me that and yes I want to know so tell me" Taehyung said.  I started getting tears in my eyes and once again tears where flowing out of my eyes. " o-ok b-but I-if I  tell you-u y-you can't be m-mad" I said my voice shaking. I could feel his grip tighten.  "I-I l-like you but I don't like you I love I loved  you since the end of middle school. And if you hate me more then you already did it's okay because I hate myself too. That's why it's been I problem staying here.  If you don't like me the way I like you I will try to get over you and find someone else." I said. Tears where coming harder now. Taehyungs grip on my shirt was gone and he walked out of the room. I dropped to the ground and cried. I cried because I was stupid for telling him I knew I should have let him kill me.

I knew he would hate me.

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