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"I saw this bookshop on our way here. Want to check out some of the books?" He asked.

Mitchell just smiled and nodded. "Of course". He'd do anything for the boy.

Ethan grabbed unto Mitchell's hand and led him through the crowded walkway between the shops until they finally reached his favorite bookshop, Once Upon A Book.  It wasn't packed like the other stores, which was unsurprising; It was a book shop after all. The boy was ecstatic and quickly went in search of a new book to read.

Mitchell followed closely behind. He felt out of place as he had never bothered to enter a bookshop before, or even a library. Story books weren't his thing and if he was ever going to read anything, it would have to be for an exam or school, but not for leisure. He watched as Ethan scanned the books on the shelves, smiling happily as he read what was written on the back of each book that he picked up. Mitchell wished he had grown to acquire that habit of reading.

"Blue, come here," Ethan called out to the boy and Mitchell hurriedly went over. "You need to read this book," he said, handing it over to Mitchell. The blue eyed boy examined the book titled Call Me By Your Name, turning it around in his hand. Did Ethan expect him to read it?

"I've read it a couple of times already and it's one of my favorite books ever," he continued. "There was this part where the main character actually fucked a peach," he whispered the last part and then started laughing hysterically. "I wonder where the author had that idea from, honestly, best story ever!" He exclaimed and went off in search of another book, leaving Mitchell a blushing and embarrassed hot mess.

His heart was beating rapidly, sweat was forming on his forehead and the heat on his cheeks wouldn't disappear like he hoped. Why would Ethan tell him that? He couldn't believe Ethan read a book about someone doing unspeakable things to a peach. Now he wouldn't be able to look at peaches the same way, he thought. That poor peach.

But Mitchell couldn't get his mind off it. He tried putting the book back on the shelf when Ethan wasn't looking but there was this nagging thought at the back of his mind that insisted he found out what was so exciting about this book. So he followed Ethan to the counter and bought the book, much to his chagrin.

"I got this new book too," Ethan was saying when they finally began walking back to their friends. "It's not exactly new 'cause we read it for AP literature last year and I wanted to read it again," he said, showing Mitchell a copy of a book titled The Great Gatsby.

Mitchell still couldn't wrap his head around what made story books so interesting to Ethan but he guessed he would find out later when he was done reading the book he bought. The thought alone made him gulp. Mitchell was distressed even further when they passed a grocery shop which had peaches in their display isle. That poor peach.

They met up with the rest of the group a few minutes later and much to Ethan's discomfort, the one person he didn't want to see at all times happened to be there, standing beside Kris and Meghan.

"Ethan," Liz squealed, running over and jumping on the boy. He quickly steadied himself and caught her in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek. "I've missed you so much," she said making Ethan grimace at the sound of her piercing voice.

"Okay," he drawled, and set her down on her feet. He dared to spare a glance at Mitchell but the boy was standing a bit further away from them, looking distressed. Of course. Ethan groaned. "What are you doing here?" he asked.

"Hanging out with my friends, of course," she replied, twirling her hair in her hands. Ethan raked her with an inappropriate gaze and shook his head at the clothes she wore. Why did the cheerleaders have to wear such revealing clothing? He wondered.

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