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"Hey Blue," Ethan said in the gentlest of tones as he gently rubbing the older boy's and Mitchell's eyes watched him. "How are you feeling?"

Mitchell did not respond, only watched on as Ethan fussed over him. He took notice of his boyfriend's red and puffy eyes that indicated that he had been crying and it made Mitchell's heart clench in pain. He hated that look on him and wanted so much to do whatever he could to make sure that Ethan never cried in pain again. But he was in a hospital bed, and there wasn't much he could do at the moment.

Mitchell raised his hand gingerly to touch Ethan's face and the blonde boy leaned into his touch, sighing in relief at the contact. A tear rolled down their faces simultaneously but they didn't let out any sound, only basking in each other's presence.

A nurse came in a few minutes later, followed by the doctor and they asked him a few questions pertaining to the pain he felt, and Mitchell answered either by nodding or shaking his head. His body wasn't hurting as much and he could only remember up to the moment he realized he had got shot. He wanted to ask what happened with his father but for some reason, as he laid in the hospital room and looked at Ethan, Mitchell realized that he didn't really care what happened to that man.

All what mattered to him right now was the boy who sat next to him, kissing his fingers ever so gently, and the life he had ahead of him.

As Mitchell stared at his boyfriend, he came to the conclusion that this was the person he loved and would do anything for, and the fact that he even thought to leave him because of that monster, was the worst thing he could have done. And so, after two days and thirty minutes of being silent, Mitchell uttered softly, two words to Ethan.

"I'm sorry," he apologized, for leaving him when he didn't have to, for worrying him, and for putting Ethan's life in danger.

When Ethan shook his head and opened his mouth to say something, Mitchell stopped him and whispered, "I love you. I won't ever leave you again."

Ethan bit his bottom lip and swallowed the sob that threatened to come out. To him, there was no need for Mitchell to feel guilty because he thought he was doing the right thing. He did not blame Mitchell at all, but he knew that he had to accept the boy's apology, if only to appease his guilt. After what they had been through, he felt he owed Mitchell that. So he nodded as tears fell from his eyes. He leaned into Mitchell's hand when the boys wiped those tears away, craving his touch.

"I love you too, Blue. So much, he managed and kissed his boyfriend softly. The blue eyes boy relaxed instantly and accepted Ethan's kiss, which assured him of more kisses to come.

What happened had not ruined them. Nothing could ever ruin what these two boys had for each other, because now, they were willing to fight for their lives, and for their love.

"Whoa guys! Keep it PG 13," a voice chuckled making the two boys pull back from each other. They turned towards the door to see their friends walking into the ward.

"At least wait till he's discharged Ethan," Shane chided, making the rest of them laugh.

"Yeah bro, let the man breathe," said Dave and Ethan flipped him the bird as they all hugged one another in turns with Dave punching Ethan playfully. This made Mitchell chuckle, surprising both himself and the boys. Looking at their faces, Mitchell realized that they felt it was too soon for him to look quite happy, which made sense, especially when he considered what had happened.

Perhaps, the old Mitchell would have sunk back into his shell, bring up his walls again and kept everyone out. Maybe he would have even stopped talking to them, but for some unknown reason, Mitchell did not feel the need to because in this moment, Mitchell knew that these people around him were not out to hurt him. He knew he could trust them and he was ready to fill reciprocate the love that they had shown him.

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