Chapter twenty-eight

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I chew on Joe's explanation for a few moments and finally nod.

"Okay, I guess that makes sense." I pull away from the hulked-out angel and study the trio. "Where are we?"

I don't get nervous until each one starts fidgeting, in his/her own way. For Daniel, it's down-turned eyes, hands shoved boyishly in his pockets and shuffling feet. With Aeriel, she studies the blade that materializes in her hand like it needs a firm polishing, and with Jophiel, it's an arched eyebrow and disbelieving glare at the other two.

"What? What did you do?" I wince when my demand comes out all squeaky-like. I hate sounding like a little girl even more than I hate being treated like one. When a few awkward moments pass and no one offers anything, I turn and study our surroundings.

Damned sand is everywhere, as far as the eye can see, and a light whip of wind blows scorching hot air across my sweat-slickened face. There's scraggly trees scattered here and there, their crispy, dry branches reaching skyward as if begging for water, and huge, ragged boulders dotting the landscape around us. All in all, it doesn't look much different than anything else we've seen so far.

We could still be on the outskirts of Amarah for all I know. So, before I get pissed that they've taken it upon themselves to halt our journey, I cross my arms and lift an eyebrow in question, hoping the gesture will nudge one of them into talking.

The moment Daniel's eyes meet mine, I know he'll be the first to break, so I focus on him.


"You lost consciousness barely three days out of Amarah, we had to do something or you wouldn't be here now. You were dehydrated, running a fever, and delusional." And if I didn't know any better, I'd swear he sounds defensive.

"So?" I prompt him to continue.

"We're at the base of Mount Ararat, five miles from the supposed location of the Ark's final landing," Aeriel chimes in.

"So, how did we make it this far in only five days total?" I ask, honestly confused. The last we'd calculated, we were still a good ten days' walk from the mountain.

Then it dawns on me like a bucket of icewater.

"You flew me?"

"Don't blame them," Joe cuts in and moves toward me, placing his large, uncalloused hand on my shoulder. "I ordered them to do it while you were resting. It made up for the down time. Now, are you through interrogating my warriors? Can we hike to the location?"

Narrowing my eyes at Daniel, I silently promise retribution. I am beyond horrified that they'd flown me at all, knowing they'd done it while I was asleep only made it worse. He offers a sheepish smile before turning to gather our camping gear. Aeriel boasts a cheeky smile, which tells me she's enjoying every minute of my discomfort.

"Laugh it up." I snatch up my own duffel bag, and sling it across my shoulder. "I'm glad my misery makes you happy." I turn my nose into the air and stalk off in the direction of the boulder I'd visited moments earlier.

A sharp whistle rents the air, and I wince as it pierces my eardrum. Halting mid-stride, I glance back at the angels, and notice none of them have taken a step.

"What are you waiting for?"

"It's this way, Princess," Daniel calls, offering his own toothy smile, as he jerks his thumb backwards over his shoulder. Heat blossoms across my cheeks. I've never had a good sense of direction.

Doing an about-face, I stalk past them, hiking my shoulder strap more firmly across my shoulders. I ignore the slight chuckle and instead focus on the rising ground before me.

About five minutes later, I notice that we're slowing gaining altitude as we follow the old goat trail across the sand dunes and more and more rock protrudes from the earth. It's hard to envision this area once being covered in water.

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