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~~~Twenty One~~~

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~~~Twenty One~~~

It was a cold morning, the Tuesday that Jimin woke up alone in. To say he was used to it would be an overstatement, but he was also prepared for mornings like this. Mornings where he'd have to wander down to the studio and drag his boyfriend from the depths of the GeniusLab.

It was a cold Tuesday morning when Jimin threw on a random hoodie, that so happened to be Yoongi's, before kicking his shoes on and leaving to retrieve said Yoongi.

Along the way, he picked up the elders favourite coffee as well as a few cinnamon swirls and croissants for them to share on the way home. Honestly, Jimin loved doing these things for Yoongi. It got the boy out of the house and meant he could look after his man.

When he entered Yoongi's studio, he was hit with a wave of ominous smells. A mixture of mouldy food and BO, to be more specific, and when he heard his boyfriend groan groggily, he let out an annoyed sigh.

"Min Yoongi," Jimin called, knocking on the second door that could only be unlocked from the inside, "Open this door now,"

Yoongi knew better than to ignore his younger boyfriend, swinging the door open immediately with a sheepish grin,

"Hey, baby," Yoongi stammers, "What brings you here?"

"You're overworking yourself again," Jimin sighed, pushing past Yoongi to help clean up the inevitably messy studio. Now Yoongi was far from a messy person, but when it came to his music there was no time to spend on such frivolous tasks like cleaning.

"You don't have to do that babe," Yoongi frowned as Jimin began cleaning up the empty takeout boxes and cans of coke.

"Just get ready to leave," Jimin snapped and Yoongi nodded, gathering his things and slipping on his shoes, knowing better than to disobey.


"I love you," Yoongi grinned once they arrived home, finishing off his coffee, pastry crumbs decorating the corners of his mouth. Jimin couldn't resist the cutie that was his boyfriend, and groaned at his appearance,

"You're lucky I love you!" He spoke and Yoongi grinned,

"Tell me something I don't know," 

"Just go and have a fucking wash," Jimin giggled and Yoongi gasped,

"That's a no-no word,"

"I'll give you more than a no-no word if you don't drag your cute little ass to that bathroom, right now,"

"Listen here, Angel," Yoongi smirked, "I do the scolding here,"

"Listen here, Yoongi," Jimin glared, "Until you don't smell like a rotting carcass, you're in no place to scold,"

Needless to say, Yoongi had a long shower and returned to the sight of Jimin cooking some soup for the elder.

"Well what do we have here," Yoongi spoke, hair still dripping wet from his shower, "A fine little piece of ass just for me,"

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