The crimson rose

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You were walking through the garden of the castle. it was peaceful enjoying the sound of birds chirping. Even the roses seemed to smell sweeter since levi began tending to them. it was as though nature had blessed him with the ability to calm her.

"It's a beautiful mourning isn't it?" levi says breaking the quiet early mourning. yet it indeed was beautiful the sun not yet rising giving the feel of magical possibilities radiating from the ground itself.

"Yes I believe it is." You say standing to attention in the presence of your commander. you salute your right fist pressing into your pounding heart.

"At ease we need not always give our heart." Levi said. did you just see a corner of his mouth lift up? It was almost a smile? You decide your eyes had deceived you this is Levi were talking about. You relax leaving your hands at your sides.

He walks over to the rose bush and plucks a perfectly formed crimson rose. He turns to you and holds out the rose the moment is so beautiful you heart skips a beat. He is backlit by the warm light of the rising sun. his head slightly tilted to the side the rose has droplets of sparkling dew. The dew gives of a rainbow sparkling light then levi looks like an angel a dark angel sent to help me kill titans and dazzle you with brilliance.

"For you (...)." he says. you are stunned but find yourself taking the rose from your dark angel. you feel yourself blush reddening your (St) face. He reaches forward as if to lift your face which is pointed down but you hear someone coming. like a flash he was gone how was he so fast? you sigh wishing he had stayed longer but turn to walk back to your room.

You want to think about what Levi's gesture meant the rose's thorns had been removed like he had been planing it. You sighed remembering the way he tilted his head his dark hair falling perfectly not a strand in his face. His dark piercing eyes seemed warm softened even gentle and everyone who knew Levi knew he wasn't gentle. Did he feel the same about you as you did him? The short sexy commander was a piece of art in himself. Dark pools of wisdom filled his eyes as well as pain and fear. His presence was dark mysterious even a little bit scary to some. Not you though his steely gaze felt welcoming. His fierceness attractive. You loved his presence he even smelled precise he walked into the room and a clean smell filled the air natural clean and crisp. It was as though he was made to attract you like light to a moth. You were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in." You said and Eren opened the door. You smiled he reminded you of a child sweet loving but unaware of its own strength and oh so naive. You felt he was like a little brother

"(...) breakfast is ready and levi says he wants to see you when you are done eating." He said. He looks upset.

"Eren are you feeling okay you look upset. You know it's not you fault right?" You said Eren often felt guilty and angry because he turned into a Titan and levi with his tough act made it worse the .boy was 15 he needed a mentor not a commander but no one knows to step up. You would but he needs a male mentor. You felt bad you couldn't help though.

" yeah I know but it seems this curse makes it so I can't try to kill titans as often. I JUST WANT TO KILL ALL OF THOSE DEMONS!" He yelled he was upset you put a hand on his shoulder. He relaxed slowly every muscle flexing then releasing you gave him a knowing smile. you knew how upsetting the group could be heck we didn't trust each other enough to let another refuel our 3d maneuvering devices.
" Come on Eren let's get some breakfast." you said walking to the door grabbing the cold door knob you glanced once at Eren and he followed you.

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