Eren the savior

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The next week we moved out. we headed across the plains in perfect formation what could go wrong? a lot did.

You were riding your chestnut colored mare Annabel. since she was young and had not yet bred she was as fast as Levi's black stallion. you had to hold the horse back a bit to keep in a diamond formation around Eren.

Every thing was fine until black flares started going up for what would be the destruction of your small group. Annabel started picking her feet up higher she was nervous her ears went back. she noticed most of the horses did the same danger was coming.

Then you heard it. Boom boom Boom BOOM. you look behind you and see a 15 meter female titan. her blond hair seemed unreal her eyes seemed emotionless which she proved to be. she was swinging a dead scout on her finger with his 3D maneuver. Smiling.

She stopped tuning and merely took long strides. she reached down BOOM Eren turned into a fifteen meter titan! he punched her in the face tearing at her arms she was disabled, or so you thought.

She hardened the skin on her feet and went to kick Eren. On instinct you get your 3d maneuver and take out her eyes. you were the fastest in the group besides levi you cut her Achilles' tendons.

She purposefully falls foreword and lands on Erens neck. He was dead. Eren was dead levi appeared next to you and took out her vocal chords. then cut a square in the back of her neck. taking out a blond girl with blue eyes.

The girl was gagged restrained and locked in the dungeon until further notice.

Right now you were mourning eren's death. there had been no funeral but this was a win he was 1 out of 10 people to die sadly though he was the most value. but that's not why you were sad.

You heard a knock on your door. "come in" you say to the person. it was Petra she didn't look at all sad but I'm the only one who didn't fear Eren.

She walked in and sucked her hair behind her ear. "levi wishes to see you now. in his office." She said almost like she couldn't care less about her visiting levi.

"Ok i will be there soon you can go now." You say closing the door behind her. you sigh rinse your face and decide to go.

You walk down the dark hallway your footsteps echoing across it. what could he want you for now? You thought feeling a bit tired from days of crying.

You open the door to see levi. he is looking at his thumbs. You salute. "come sit (...)" he says gesturing to the couch he is on. you walk over and sit.

Then he hugs you and starts crying. "Eren died I should have stopped him but I didn't." he said. he sobbed into your shoulder he had held his grief in and now it was to much to grieve alone.

He stopped crying about half an hour later. "*sniff* I have dinner ready if you will join me. you smile and nod. you follow him into a small dining room with a single table in the middle.

The table had a white table cloth with a red candle lit in the middle. There was hot pasta on the table with meatballs?! and a glass of wine by both plates.

You both sit and begin eating the meat tasted so good. you wonder how much it had cost, but keep it to yourself.

After dinner is done he leaves the room for a second and comes back with a cake? he cuts of two moist slices and puts them on plates.

"It's chocolate (..) I hope you like it." he said taking a bite. you follow suit the rich tasting cake was one of the best things you ever tried. sweet and creamy. and perfectly moist.

At the middle of your slice your fork hits a solid metal object. you pull it out it was a beautiful silver ring with a sapphire in the middle. he gets down on one knee and looks to you "(...) will you marry me?" he says happiness gleaming his eyes.

"Yes. yes! YES! levi ill marry you!" You say. he pulls you into a passionate kiss he tasted like chocolate. you deepen it. he snaps his fingers and a priest walks in. Not a crazy one but a kind hearted looking priest.

He says the ceremony and you say your I do's. "you may now kiss the bride!" he says levi once again kisses you. the priest leaves then levi cradles you and walks to his private bedroom.


You wake up next to your sweet sweet levi and remember the previous night how completely wonderful it was. you roll over and put your hands on Levi's bare chest. You know that you had found your happily ever after.

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