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Your POV

'Y/N!' I heard a raspy, booming voice from behind me. Not to my surprise, I turn round to see my father stood in front of the door, arms opening his bulky figure towards me. He had a loud smile on his face, presenting his yellow and decaying fangs to me.

I attempted to replicate a similar smile in response, trying to ignore the scarlet lipstick on the collar of his slightly unbuttoned shirt. To my distaste, he pulled me into a rough embrace, making me inhale the artificial cherry scent the red stain was emitting. My instinct, I loosely moved my arms around his bulging waist.

My father sighs down my ear, the cherry smell now accompanied by that of weed. I picture the disgusting image that forms in my head every time a face him like this - lying in bed with some stripped-down size-zero model half his age, both puffing intoxicating breaths from their mouths.

When I first found out as an early teen, the thought made me want to vomit with cringe and utter disgust.

By now I'm more used to it. It's just how things work.

But the disgust is now enforced by pure anger at how selfish and perverted he could be towards women.
I especially hated how it hurt Mum. She stopped sharing a bed with him when I was a child. I've heard her screaming at him at night, begging for this all to end and to stop hurting her.
It's been obvious for years that she wants a divorce.

I want to scream to the whole world and tell them what Sang Jihun is really like.

'My little girl is going out for her first hunt,' he says excitedly before releasing our hug, gripping my shoulders harshly and looking at me with this beaming face of glee - wide eyes, large smile. He looked like a child.

All I could do was weakly curve the corners of my lips.

My father huffs and straightens his posture, looking down at me but still gripping my shoulders.

'I know that you're nervous, sweetie. But every cloud has a silver lining. We get to defeat the Kim family. Show them how strong we are. How much more powerful we are than them. And you are contributing to this cause. Lisa will be out there with you. I'm so proud of my two daughters aiding their families. I really am. And I want you to remember that. Always.'

My stomach churns in hot anger. Is that what I need to do for him to be proud of me? To be the perfect daughter and family member?

Kill someone?

I look down at that dagger and gulp. It's like an emblem to him, his prized possession. Because it represents everything he believes that this family should be. What I should be like. A killer.

He notices my lack of eye contact with him and he walks away, releasing the tense grip he had on my shoulders.

'You need to get ready to go, Y/N,' he mimes to the golden clothing laid out on my bed. His voice is suddenly so much more severe. I come to the realisation that I haven't said anything since he entered the room. I haven't felt the need or want to.

Suddenly he drops the tone of his voice, looking straight into my eyes threateningly with a harsh grimace on his face. 'Outside of these hunts you don't talk to, or even make eye contact with any member of that family, Y/N. They hate us and we hate them. That's the way it is and the way it should be.'

I nodded rapidly, still not mouthing a word.

Taehyung's POV

I managed to get us all together quickly enough, despite having to get ready immediately.

Jungkook was clearly the most annoyed and the worst at hiding it.

We met where we normally do - the centre of the Kim family estate, where the memorial is. All dressed in black, aimed with the knives strapped to our waists, the seven of us stood in a circle, the moonlight illuminating us and the houses around us, reflecting off all the nature livening the area.

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