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'Taehyung, I want you to kill a Sang tonight.'

'You don't make eye contact with any member or that family, Y/N.'

'It's not hard for you to kill one of those snakes.'

'Trust in me and your family.'

'Do it for Dahee.'

But I wasn't thinking about Dahee.

Or my mother's words.

Or the violent clash between our two families happening in the background.

I hadn't been able to look at this girl's face while I was dragging her here, my family knife pressed against her throat and blood starting to drip down. I was ready to slit it and end her life.

Then I turned her around against the wall. Her glossy, tear-filled eyes sparkled at me, soft hair framing her image perfectly. I felt something I'd never felt before. It came from the depths of my chest and was a warm feeling. Almost out of instinct I dragged my hood down, revealing my face to her.

I had a sudden desire for her to see me, be aware of my existence, make me part of her memories.

As soon as my mind had processed her, I pulled the the blade away from her neck and dropped it to the floor. It clattered slightly to the floor, making a splash and clattering with one of the disgusting puddles in this alleyway.

I didn't hear anything else other than that knife. When my mother wanted me to be in the mayhem happening next to us, I was throwing away what she desired for me to be. The identity I was handed at birth and expected to follow.

Before we left, when my mother mentioned Dahee, a switch flipped in my brain. She knows that I love my sister. She knows that I'm angry about hunting because of what happened to her. In a split second my thoughts concluded that killing a Sang would make her feel better. She needs someone to be strong for her and she made me believe that that could be me.

My mother still thinks I'm still under her control because I have some of her DNA.

I'm supposed to be enemies with this girl. But when she looked at me, I could tell she didn't want to be. She had a knife. She could have easily done her duty and stabbed me in the chest - my body was completely exposed and vulnerable.

But instead, she stopped crying as our eyes locked and I dropped my weapon. It could've been from relief but there was more than that. Those shiny pearls she had something else behind them.

I hope they did.


I could feel warm blood trickling down my neck then collarbones. He had left a small cut near my adam's apple. It definitely wasn't serious but it stung like hell.

If Kims were evil murderers like my father has told me since I was child, then he was different. His eyes had an emotional softness to them. They were clouded with empathy as he dropped his knife - the object that defined his identity as a Kim and the stereotype that I had grown up with. I realised that he had no longer had an intention to harm me.

His expression changed to a shock when he noticed the trail of blood running down my neck- his eyes widened and mouth gawped open slightly. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small white piece of cloth.

He pressed it to the wound on my neck.

For a moment I thought that he might strangle me - that he really had tried to kill me all along and the kind image of himself he had just shown was a trap.

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