Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: I don't own this series or its characters.

Merry Christmas Eve to anyone who celebrates it! Early update! Wanted to give you something to read, sorry if it's a bit short.

Erica POV:

As we crept out of the ruins of the nuclear base, I noticed Ben visibly sag with relief. I frowned disapprovingly at him. The first lesson I ever learned in the art of espionage was that a spy never lets their guard down. Never ever, no matter what. And that was a good thing too, because as we rounded a corner I had to stifle my own gasp of surprise at the sight before me. A grotesque display of unconscious SPYDER agents, and at the center, the 4 unconscious bodies of Mom, Jackie, and two of her agents. I sensed Ben trembling besides me, and alid a hand on his shoulder to calm him down. He looked at me wide-eyed. "Erica," he whispered like a little kid. "What happened here?" I shook my head sadly. "I don't know. Do you know how many enemy agents there are on the ground?" I could see his eyes darting back and forth as he counted the agents. "Around 120." he said with a mixture of respect and awe in his voice. I restrained myself from letting out a low whistle. Jeez. Impressive. And that was my downfall. I didn't see the booted foot being swung at me until it was too late. "Erica!" Ben hissed, alarmed. The world went black, and the last thing I remembered was falling to the ground.

Ben POV:

I stared fearfully at the man who had knocked Erica out. He gave me a sinister smile, white teeth gleaming in the darkness. I shuddered. He said, using a sickly sweet voice, "You wouldn't want that to happen to you, would you? Now just come along like a good boy and nothing will happen to you." I glared up at him. "Who are you, and what do you want with us? We're just kids!" I exclaimed. He laughed, a cruel dark sound. "That's not going to fool me, kid. Regular kids don't hang around at warehouses at the crack of dawn. I know you're with the CIA in it's stupid little spy school. As for who I am, you have no reason to need to know that. Just know that I'm your greatest enemy." Then it dawned on me. My voice shaking, I ground out, "You're Mister E. Aren't you supposed to be in Britain?" He chuckled again, and then grabbed my wrist and yanked me into the shotgun seat of a car. "We'll continue this converstation in here." Erica's prone body was already laid in the back of the car. Mister E hit the gas, and I went on a car ride again. Seriously, can spies not just get a break? He started speaking rapidly. "In response to your question earlier, yes, I'm supposed to be in Britain. But how could I not come here. You, Benjamin Ripley," I flinched when he said my name. "and Erica Hale are the Wonder Twins of the CIA. You always, always, thwart our plans, and I'm tired of it! So I decided to fly down and give you a personal greeting card! Too bad Agent Hale over there isn't awake to enjoy this pleaure. Since you are so crucial to the CIA, we're going to use you as bait. The CIA will come to spring you, and kaboom! We got all the agents of the CIA that are important to its core. Cyrus Hale will definitely come to rescue his precious granddaughter. Then we'll have the whole CIA wrapped around our pinky finger!" Then he let out a malicious chuckle. "Now, Benjamin, if you breathe one word about this to someone, I will personally," he paused for dramatic affect, and drew a finger across his throat, the meaning as clear as a brick thrown at a glass window. I shuddered, and thank God, Erica chose that moment to wake up. 

cShe sat up with a groan, and immediately registered her surroundings. "Ben, what in the name of God is going on?" she said, sounding uncertain for once. Mister E chuckled and looked in the rearview mirror. "Oh, looks like our 3rd passenger just woke up. Benjamin, will you please enlighten your friend on how exactly we are going to use the two of you against the CIA? Oh wait, you can't. That's right. I guess that just leaves me the option to tell her myself then. How rude of me, I didn't even introduce myself. I'm Mister E, malicious leader of SPYDER, the best criminal organization on Earth!" He proclaimed happily. Erica stared at him. "Yup, that's right! I'm the leader, and we're using you two as bait for the CIA so" "You can capture them and then use the CIA to get what you want." Erica finished slowly and angrily. Mister E nodded vigorously. "You monster!" she exclaimed. Mister E laughed. "Oh, but when has SPYDER been anything but monstrous?" he asked, pulling over at a complex of factories. "We're here, out, out, everybody! Time to get this plan into action!" He said gleefully. "Now comply, or I'll make you!" He exlaimed. "And you don't want that to happen, do you?" Jeez, this guy has some serious problems. He needs to see a psychiatrist or something. He marched us into the biggest and most evil-looking building. "We'll have fun," he promised.

A/N Thank you all for the continued support and comments on my story! It really means a lot to me. How do you like this chapter? Please comment, and happy holiday season everyone!

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