Cover by @PattonIsACinnabun
I don't know why you are here. This stuff is so bad, all the people that say that they are horrible drawers are still better than me.
2. Do it in less than 3 days Well, I was tagged yesterday, so...
3. Say 10 things about yourself -Well, I've learned I'm mentally unstable -I have a girlfriend who is obsessed with Shrek and annoying me -I'm a lazy fat ass -I like to read (no shit, why would you be one Wattpad), but I haven't read any normal paper books in a while. -I love country music, 80's rock 'n' roll, pop music, but I HATE rap. -My favorite restaurants are Panda Express and In 'n' Out. -I make friends with all the gays and nerds and artists, but if you are nice, I will love you. -I still play Minecraft ._. -I listen to hella old pop songs -My favorite band is P!ATD -My favorite pop song at the moment is 'Dog Days are Over', which is so fricking old but so fricking good. -My favorite country song at the moment is 'Much Too Young (To Feel This Damn Old)' by Garth Brooks.
5. Tell a joke I got this from scorpioishannah and I thought is was funny. (I'm sorry I'm stealing your joke, I don't have any good jokes) "6:30 is the best time on the clock, hands down." :)
6. Write a spoiler for one of your stories Well, since I don't have any stories, except for this, and I have no idea what I'm gonna draw next, I'm just gonna say PLEASE GO CHECK OUT SKETCHBOOK 2019 THANK YOU BYE
7. Put these rules in your tag Done
Here's a sketch I did while listening to music. I was using the album covers are drawing the people on them. I did 2 but I like this one the most.
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And then an eye drawing
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Pic Merry Christmas, it's not Christmas for me yet, but whatever. Marry Christmas Eve Ima get an art book for Christmas from my grandma, so I'll post that. AND I'M GETTING A CHB SHIRT I'M FUCKING EXCITEDDDDDDD ECSTATIC (I had to use auto correct for that) I'M A GREEDY BITCH I'M SORRY