Cover by @PattonIsACinnabun
I don't know why you are here. This stuff is so bad, all the people that say that they are horrible drawers are still better than me.
Well, so I have a lot of colored pencils. So much that my teacher took a picture of them once when i brought them to school...😑
But, Yeah. I have my traveling colored pencils, and then I have my refill colored pencil'll see.
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So this is my travel pack...I have a couple of other colored pencils in the other section. And here is all my refill colored pencils...prepare to be...disappointed.
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They are not all colored pencils, done of them are pens, but those are my refills. And when i dumped them or of the plastic gallon bag I keep them in, I noticed I had just dumped a bunch of colored pencil shavings on my bed. And I did not do this for no reason..don't think I'm stupid.