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"What the fuck is wrong with you Potter?" Pansy asked while gritting her teeth.

Harry looked at her; confused, "What?"

"You used fucking sectumsempra on him! SECTUMSEMPRA!" She raged.

"He told you?"

"He walked into the slytherin common room crying, Potter. I had to force it out of him, he was a mess."

Harry sighed, "I'm sorry."

"No you're not." Pansy huffed, "Why do you hate him so much?"

"Well...." Harry paused; he couldn't think of a valid yet sensible answer.

"Today preferably." She said.

"Because he's an annoying git."

"That's not a reason to hate someone!" Pansy shouted, "Blaise is an annoying git, yet you don't see me hating him and using sectumsempra on him now do you Potter? And plus, Draco has changed! Trust me he has! Why can't you just give him a chance?"

"Why would I give him a chance? I hate his guts!"

"You can't hate someone who you barely know! He's gone through so much shit you know. Don't you think it hurts, Potter?" She cries, "Seeing someone you love, come into your common room and cry everyday? Hearing them cry themselves to sleep ever night? Knowing that they are feeling lonely and feeling as if they have no one that cares about them? He's my best friend! He deserves better than this bullshit."

Harry watched her shout at him as a tear streamed down her face.

"I'm surprised that he hasn't obliviated himself by now." She sniggered, "If I were him I would've done it ages ago."

Harry didn't say anything.

"But then again, Draco's strong, unlike me. I can barely handle getting a pinch on the arm." Said Pansy.

Harry still didn't say anything.

She looked down at the floor before bursting into tears.

"Pansy-" Harry said while putting his hand on her arm; trying his best to comfort her.

She squatted his hand away and then smacked him across the face.

Ouch; Harry thought.

"You listen carefully Potter! I don't want you causing him anymore pain or stress! Please be nice to him." Pansy sighed.

Harry nodded his head quickly before running to his potions lesson.


Harry walked into his lesson; everyone turned around to look at him.

"Potter." Snape said sternly, "You're late."

"Sorry professor. Forgot what lesson I had." Harry lied.

The whole class laughed.

"10 points from Gryffindor. Now sit down."

Harry sat down on his seat next to Malfoy.

He turned to look at Malfoy and studied him for a moment.

Malfoy still had his tired eyes, and he still had his look of sadness in his eyes. His eyes were silver grey; shining malevolently like some beautiful charm you find in muggle shops.

His hair was still messy like it had been for the past few weeks. Not that it bothered Harry; he always thought that Malfoy's hair looked better when it was messy.

His skin was obviously still pale as fuck.

His nose was a cute nose. The type of nose that you just want to 'boop' with your finger.

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