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[A/N: this chapter contains the tiniest bit of smut, they don't do anything, they just talk abt sexual shit.]

"Your pick up lines are terrible, Potter." Draco scoffed.

"No they are not!" Harry protested.

Draco glared at him vigorously.

"I have a better one. I bet this will make you laugh!"

"Go on."

"Is there a Boggart in your pants? Because your arse is Ridikkulus."

The blonde's cheeks blossomed a colour of dark scarlet, and he smacked Harry's arm repeatedly.

Harry grinned. They've been friends for nearly two months now. The boys weren't necessarily classed as close friends, but they enjoyed one another's company. After they made their truce, Draco and Harry continued to have their occasional meet ups every day when lessons ended; considering they didn't have that much time to talk to each other throughout the day.

He had been thinking less about the whole secret admirer situation, considering Draco had not seem to leave his mind. Draco was all Harry could think about. Harry never actually thought that he would become friends with Draco.

Harry turned to look at Draco; admiring him.

The blonde had his hair un-gelled and slightly messy, just how Harry liked it. Merlin, his hair was so soft, Harry just wanted nothing more than to thread his fingers through it-

"Potter, you're staring at me-" Draco said blankly before Harry interrupted him.

His mind still trapped in his thoughts, Harry said probably the most embarrassing thing that you could ever say to your crush, "I like your hair better when it's messier, 's soft."

Fuck I wasn't meant to say that out loud.

To say that Draco's face couldn't become any more redder was more than an understatement, the poor boy looked like a cherry.

"Oh- I- Thanks." Draco stammered.

Harry let out a nervous laugh, but that didn't stop him from admiring and daydreaming about Draco's hair. Before he could stop himself, his hand was travelling towards the soft hair of the Slytherin, but not before he made sure that Draco wasn't uncomfortable.

"M- May I?" Harry breathed nervously, but yet still politely.

Draco blinked, "..Okay."

Hesitantly, Harry's fingers travelled through Draco's hair. He was amazed that it was more fluffier and smoother than he imagined.

It reminded him of this one time when he found a cat on the edge of the road by Privet Drive. It was white, fluffy, and had bright blue eyes. He remembered that when he stroked the cat it felt like he was stroking a pillow. He also remembered that when he tried to pick the cat up, the cat meowed at him, and the next thing he knew was that the cat's claws had collided with his face.

Hopefully that scenario won't happen with Draco.

But let's forget about his hair, because we all know that the most beautiful part about him are his eyes.

Because why focus on Draco's hair, when you can focus on his wonderful angelic eyes?

His eyes were strangely beautiful, but yet so rather cold. They were no where near emotionless, his eyes held so much emotion and it made him look even more beautiful.

Another thing Harry noticed about Draco's eyes, were the fact that they kept looking at his eyes, and then his lips, and constantly kept repeating the process.

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