With a Bang

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Most of the world had a crush on Harry Styles. Probably all of England. Keira just liked to think that she got a head start on everybody else.

She supposed she had an advantage being from the same village and all. She almost was ashamed at just how long it had taken her to really see him. When she looked back through year books and the like, well he was the most adorable little boy, and she did remember him being fun to listen to in his Elvis get up. Keira was fairly sure her first crush had been somebody silly like Gordo from Lizzie Macguire. And then there had been Tom.

She and Tom were something of an ineveitability. Their mothers had been best friends for life and they had grown up together. There was ample opportunity for kisses stolen and ice creams shared. So they had happened, and everybody had oowed and awwed. But it had happened for too long.

Keira wasn't sure how to break up with him when they all lived in the same small place, and he was eager to break up when they left. She mourned that, how ill used she was, that at home, she was a feather in his dumb newsboy cap, but away, she was a hinderance. Usually, growing up she was happy to be part of Keira and Tom. Not all the time, like when he scoffed at her love of books, or ignored her for days in favor of video games, or when he made eyes at his mates about her.

She wasn't ashamed they were having sex, she liked it fine, but she didn't like him bragging about it. Especially to Harry. He looked uncomfortable when Tom raised his stupid eyebrows when she had to bend down or something equally innocuous but somehow sensuous to 16 year old boys. Keira assumed is was because he was so sweet, Harry. He was the nicest boy in class, nicest smile. Even before the world agreed, she was sometimes sad that Harry wasn't raising his eyebrows at her, she couldn't imagine him being gross about her like Tom.

Perhaps she was never sadder to be part of Keira and Tom than when she and Harry were assigned to the 12 or so small boys and girls for football camps.

"You can't let him push you around." Was the first sentence she could make out when she came upon Harry talking to little Stevie. Keira knew she was talking about Liam. Liam was the biggest boy on the team, the most athletic. He got a lot of attention, and he liked it. Knew he was the best. Didn't want anybody to forget it. And he enjoyed Stevie's attention, didn't care if it was positive or negative.

The little girl sniffled loud, "my mum says it's cuz he likes me...." she trailed off.

Keira was livid. She hated that, and what message it taught. Her mum had griped at her dad about it when she was a little girl when somebody was mean to her. Come to think of it, it may have been Tom.

"What?" Harry was audibly irked. His voice a question mark, in red. "If he liked you, shouldn't he be nice to you and not kick your shins instead of the ball, or hit your chest when he's trying to 'knock' the ball down'?" She saw his fingers make the quotes, but his voice said enough. Harry's voice was really nice she noticed that day. He was really nice.

"That's what I think!" Stevie made big hands and Harry was nodding. "And why should I like him if he's mean to me anyway?"

"Stevie, I think you should ask yourself that question your whole life, ok?" Harry extended his hand and Stevie took it. "Deal?"

"Deal!" The little girl was sans snot now and Keira could see dimples in both of their cheeks.

"Now, lets go kick him in the shins, I mean win the ball from him!" He narrowed his eyes and they sparkled.

Stevie looked a little smitten, so was Keira.

But she was Tom's girlfriend. Yet, she always wore the Alien Harry complimented the one time, even though Tom liked the one he bought her.

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