chapter 1: Flash back

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"Jamie, Justin its time to come inside, its starting to get dark out!"

"Yes mama!",Screamed Jamie and Justin racing to see who could get too their mama first.

"Now don't you two start running its dark and there could be rocks outside!"

"Yes mama we know you tell us everyday!",Said Jamie screaming loud enough so that her mom could hear her.

" Hey Jamie last one to mama has to give the opposite person a back massage."

"Deal on your mark get set go!"

"Hey I wasn't ready that's cheating!",Said Justin frustrated.

" Ha ha ha ya snooze ya......ahhh!"Jamie screeched with pain,"Justin there's your...self."

"No I'm not leaving your my sister and I love you!" Before Justin new it a rouge had jumped on him and started to dig its nails into is chest, but nobody would be stupid enough too try and kill the future alpha nobody. Justin flung his fist hitting the rogues face and flipped the man over fiercely grabbing a small sharp rock beside him and hitting the man till all you could see was blood and bone. Justin so was so lost in killing this man that he couldn't help his sister and the rogues slowly dragged her away.

"I'm sorry sis one day I will find u and we will meet again."

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