Day before

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Last chapter: Good night I say


Amari pov*

Today is the day before my birthday and rakim left last night so he could go to ferg house to handle some business (shit for my birthday obviously)

Knock knock knock

I run to the door and open it and see kodie
We been hanging out lately
Hey girly I hear her say as I jump in her arms
Hey boo come in
We walk to my room and sit on my bed
Where rocky kodie say
Ion know he said he with ferg
But I know they plotting for my birthday I say laughing
Imma FaceTime ferg hush
Wassupkodie I hear ferg say
Wassup nigga where y'all at?
I look peak over and see ferg and rakim
Ohh shit wassup rocky
We at the mall right now grabbbing some shit for tomorrow
What's tomorrow kodie reply
Oh it's amari birthday we throwing a- ferg was cut short by rakim
Hold on kodie where you at
He say
At my crib
No you not you at amari house y'all ain't slick we'll talk to you later he say laughing as he hung up

Shit I say!
Let's go out kodie say
Where you wanna go
I don't just come on I wanna show you something
Okay I say getting in the car
As we drive off kodie tells me it's an 3 hour ride
I grab the aux and connect my phone

Do it, baby, stick it, baby
Move it, baby, lick it, baby (Do it)
Suck up on that clit until that pussy got a hickey, baby (Bounce)
Watch big, coulda bought a Range Rover (Range Rover)
Chain little, but I spent some change on it (Change on it)
Nigga mad, I'ma put the gang on him (Gang on it)
They'll die 'bout me, they'll bang on him (Facts)
And that ass poke out, lil frame on her

I hear kodie turn the music down as she laughs
Calm down doing all that yelling

We finally get to the destination and it's a blank area
Kodie I know we didn't drive this for to nowhere you joking right
No of course not
Come ere we walk to this lake and sit
So why are we here I ask
I usually don't take people here but since you like my bestfriend why not
So what is it
Well I come here for peace of mind and when I wanna right a song
So you gon write a song about me I say snickering
Well I got one
Can I hear it
No you have to wait for your birthday
Fine I say pouting
Let's take a picture kodie says laughing
I put the phone near a couple of houses and turn the 3sec photo on and post the photo

We finally get to the destination and it's a blank areaKodie I know we didn't drive this for to nowhere you joking rightNo of course notCome ere we walk to this lake and sit So why are we here I askI usually don't take people here but since you li...

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0nlyXAmari- The sky is falling girl let's try to catch it😍🌎 mariXkodie
*ps were not dating

Asaprocky- where y'all at🤣
Asaprocky- I miss you😙❤️
Asapillz- y'all ugly🤭
Skimask- fye🔥
Liluzi- stop kissing my bestfriend☠️
Playboicarti- it's still mariXcarti ofc🤫

I look at my phone and laugh
I put my phone in my pocket as we get in the car
Lemme show you this song kodie say pulling our her phone connecting it
I sit back and analyze the lyrics as it plays

I was gone, it was my birthday
Don't pray for us in the sunset
In the party, you was off that
I see you, you see me back
I told the gang to play like the quarterback
Aye, 'bout to run it back
Baby, throw it back like a do-rag
Like a do-rag
Or an oversized jersey, uh
Give it to me like you know me, uh
Don't talk to me like you know me, uh
Give it to me like you owe me
And when you walk around know you know me, uh
Bad girl, you gon' show me, uh

She turns it down after the first verse
Oh my god kodie I love it!
Did you drop I say
Nope your the first to hear it, it's actually going on my first ep Zero gravity
Well I love it and you have to send me the link
I look over and see a text from rakim as we drive back towards my house

Rakim💰❤️: wya
Me: in the car
Rakim💰❤️: when you getting back home?
Me: on my way now
Rakim💰❤️: text me when you there
Me: want me to pack a bag
Rakim💰❤️: yea but imma drop you back off in the morning
Me: ok💕

I put my phone away and look at my arm
I could feel kodie look over at me
Where did you get that from, where you cutting yourself
Yea it happened a while ago I say
As a tear rolls down my eye
Does rocky know
YES KODIE JUST DRIVE AND TAKE ME HOME I say as hot tears roll down my eyes
She just looks at me as we pull up
I unbuckle my seat belt and open the door
As I get it I feel kodie grab my arm
What kodie
I'm sorry amari
It's okay I say
Kodie moves up to me and kisses my lips
Are you crazy I say rakim would kill you
Bye kodie
As I come in the house I pack my shit and text rakim

An hour later*

Hey rocky I say kissing his lips
Wassup baby he says pecking my lips back
Nothing much where we going I say
How you know we going somewhere he says laughing
I just know

We pull off and drive way past his house
Rakim where we going
Nowhere I just wanted to take a drive and talk
About I say looking out the window
Well dropped out
Rakim you don't even go to school I say laughing
Noo the "game"
I look at him as he stopped at a red light and hug him tightly
Rakim thank you I just want you to be serious
I did it for you he says and so did the rest of the mob
So what are you guys doing now
Well nast he's modeling for big brands
Ferg and I are rapping the hella hoes got dropped and everyone went crazy but that's only part time for me
I'm also doing producing,acting,and modeling
I told you the fashion shit would pay
Bari has a clothing line VLONE the rest of them are chilling
That's great I say kissing him as we pull up to the house
As we get in the house I sit on the bed and zone out my mind was everywhere
"Wtf is wrong with kodie"
"Bye kodie"
"She leans in and kisses me"
AMARI AMARI I hear as I get cut out of train and thought by rakim
Oh yea I say laughing
What's going on he says
Nothing I say looking over
What's wrong he says Turing my head with his finger
Go ahead
Kodie kissed me I mumble
I knew that sneaky bitch was up to something
What are you talking about
He pulls up his phone and calls symere
Leave it alone rakim
No fuck no
Symere he says
Yea wassup
Yell kodie don't talk to mari nomore
What happen
That bitch gon kiss mari knowing she don't run that way
I knew it symere says
Well we gon see you tomorrow he says coming out the bathroom
It's not that deep rakim that's my bestfriend
My only girl bestfriend at that
Ok fine I'll leave it alone
Well I'm going to sleep I say laying underneath rakim
Love you he says
I swiftly drop to sleep

2 hours later

I open my eyes being surrounded by the mob and kodie
I say thank you while laughing it only 12:05 I'm going back to sleep I say throwing the pillows
Good night they all yell and drop to sleep as the head towards the living room
I love you rakim says
I love you too
Happy birthday baby he says passionately kissing me I saw the lust in his eyes as he wrapped his arms around me as we drifted off to sleep



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