Part 1

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 I stepped down the steps of the school bus, stumbling over my feet as the running kids from behind me pushed into me a couple of times. I stood there on the sidewalk though, not daring to take another step towards the school. I smooth out my skirt with my hands, biting down on my lip. The last time I was this nervous for doing something was the first grade, when my mom had dropped me off at elementary school. I had cried and screamed bloody murder. Of course, back then I was allowed to scream. Right now, all I could do was stand here with my hands holding down my skirt. What was with this school uniform? I roll my eyes. I hated being a freshman. More than anything. 

 "Oh look, fresh meat," one of the older looking boys comments, checking me out before walking away. I roll my eyes again. I had nothing worth checking out and everyone knew that. I mean, what were they looking at, exactly? My non-existent ass or mosquito bites, sad excuses for breasts? Sighing yet once again, I look back at the school bus. It's empty now, the students having already stepped off and were walking towards the school in little cliques. 

 I hated my life in that moment. I had recently moved from Seattle to New York, and it had been a great change. Back in Seattle, I knew everyone in my school. Just recently my dad had gotten a job offer, and he just had to take it. So we moved here. I had to start my freshman year in a place I had no friends in. And I was terrible at making friends. Would you be friends with a girl who is so shy she blushes everytime someone says hi to her? I know I wouldn't. 

 Anyway, I stand here till pretty much everyone's gone inside. Then, I take one deep breath, and step over the sidewalk to the other side of the street. A car nearly crashes into me, and the driver behind jabs his knuckles into the horn, the beep being quite deafening. I run to the other side, not daring to look back. Something like this always had to happen to me. Aw, poor Tessa. She never knew right from wrong. She couldn't take care of herself... 

 Well, I'd prove them wrong. I WILL prove them wrong today. I'm going to rock freshman year, and I'll graduate with the best grades and the best friends and the best reputation and... 

 I look up to the building as I get closer to it. I groan, hanging my head. Who was I kidding? I'd never be any of that amazing stuff. I'll be... just Tessa. Hilariously a failure. 

 I walk to the front door, and bite my lower lip before opening it. Everyone has already gone to class, and the lockers are empty. Great, I think to myself. Now I have to make this huge scene where I enter the class and all. And I don't even know where my class is. 

 I make my way to the office which is in the opposite direction of the main doors. I hang my head as I walk, making sure to not make any embarassing eye contact with anyone. It's just a habit of mine. My dad has always told me to have more confidence and that being a shy little girl will take me nowhere in life, but-

 "OH!" I exclaim as someone bumps into me, making me stumble backwards a few steps. Startled, I shake my head, regaining my balance. 

 "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm just really late to class and all, I should've been more careful." 

 I look up to the source of the voice, cringing. The man is tall, and looks like a teacher to me. His voice, although apologetic, is a mysterious kind of calm. I am pretty short, as everyone always says I am. I'm only 5'2. This man has got to be at least 5'10, because hell, he's so tall that I feel like I'm looking up at the sun. Pressing my lips into a hard line, I look up at his eyes. His very light-blue eyes. We lock eyes for a split second, and yes, he definitely looks like a teacher. He's not even that old, though. Possibly 24? 25? I watch him as he apologizes one more time. I can feel my cheeks burn as I nod quickly, making my way around him. And surely enough, I can hear him walk away from behind me. Then I walk straight into the office and to the front desk. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2012 ⏰

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