Chapter 1- He's Leaving

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Turner begged, feeling tears well up in his emerald eyes. He had to be strong, though. He was the bad boy of the town but he felt so vulnerable. Turner made an internal promise not to get emotional but he couldn't help it. His big brother Joey, who raised him for the last eight years, was being sent off overseas for a year to train for the Air Force. Turner never wanted to cry but he sobbed once Joey told the young boy the news.

"Seriously buck, you're gonna make me get emotional too," Joey cooed, holding the younger boy to his chest, "it's just a year. I'll be back before you know it. You remember the promise you made me, yes?"

Turner nodded softly into his big brother's jacket. The same jacket dad wore eight years ago. The same jacket they sewed together after they saved it from the wreckage. The same article of clothing that left with his parents will now be leaving with his brother.

"I don't want you to go."

Joey sighed, feeling guilty for leaving his baby brother. The smaller boy was eighteen, not exactly a baby anymore but he will always be his baby brother to Joey.

"I won't be gone that long, buck. I know my leave is sudden but it's the last time I will ever leave you, understand? I'll be back in May and I had best see you go across that stage, young man. I will tan your hide raw if I find out you got sent off from that school of yours. Don't get into any trouble, please. I love you, buck."

"Love you too, Joey," Turner sniffed pitifully, not at all ashamed for crying in front of and on his brother, "I'll be good, I promise. No more fights."

"You're one away from being expelled. You need to go this entire year without picking on anybody. I know you're better than that. I'll miss you lots, okay? We can have dinner before I need to be at the airport. No more tears, alright? I don't want the last hour or two filled with crying. I want you to be happy. I'll be back."

Turner sniffled and rubbed his running nose and teary eyes with his shirt collar. He stepped back from Joey and gave him a forced smile. He was so scared that his brother would never return. Sure, Joey had left a few times before but the last time was too close of a call. He had gotten injured and lost a lot of blood before he was found. Turner got a call saying his brother was fighting for his life. Ever since then he begged Joey to drop out and resign from the Air Force but Joey had one year of service left before his four years were up. Turner was terrified of losing the last person that loved and believed in him.

"Thank you, buck," Joey smiled, his green eyes twinkling, "let's make dinner and then I have to be off. We'll be having your favorite tonight, how about that?"

"I guess so, Joey. Thanks."

"No problem," Joey smiled fondly, ruffling the boy's raven hair enough to make it stick up.

Turner, even at his six foot height and muscular appearance, followed his brother around like a lost puppy. The older smiled whenever he saw Turner staring at him like if he looked away the man would vanish. Turner was right under his feet as he cooked and even pouted when Joey scolded him for getting too close to the burner.

Don't get him wrong, Joey was terrified of leaving as well. His brother was eighteen now, however, and could take care of himself. Joey was more worried about Turner getting expelled. Turner was in his senior year of high school and just needed to finish this year so he could graduate. The grades weren't his problem, but the other kids were. Turner was the bully of the school, always picking on people and starting fights. The principal warned him of the consequences and Joey vowed to tan him good if he was caught fighting again.

Once the boys' parents passed, Joey tried his best to raise Turner correctly. He was a well off kid, he just fought everyone. Joey was never violent and his parents never hit one another so he was clueless as to why Turner acted out like that towards other students. He loved his brother dearly but he was a handful sometimes. Joey is the only person in town that knows Turner's badass persona is all an act.

After the two boys finished their dinner, Joey got dressed and headed out to the arriving taxi with his suitcase. He would've asked Turner to accompany him but he knew his baby brother would never allow him to leave. Turner stood next to the door with a deep pout and tears threatening to spill. The sight almost made Joey miss his flight. His heart ached at the thought that his absence was hurting his baby brother so deeply.

"I'll miss you," Turner said, his voice breaking as the sentence progressed, "please don't leave me."

"I'm not leaving, buck," Joey grabbed Turner into a tight hug as his brother's chest racked with silent sobs, "I'm coming back. I promise. You know my jacket that I got from Dad?"


"When I leave, I want you to go in your bedroom and get it. I left my cologne here too, it's next to my jacket. I love my cologne and my jacket, you know that. I left them here because I am coming back. I trust you to keep them safe for when I come back. How does that sound?"


"I love you, Turner. Behave for me, please."

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