Chapter 3

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It was a matter of seconds before I turned around and saw a hand offer to help me up. "Miss, are you alright?" he asked before I gave him my hand to pull me up. "Yeah, I'm fine," I responded, rubbing my head. "Wow, you are the most rare looking girl I've seen around here," he stated.

Seriously, I didn't blame him. I was the only redhead in the whole population. Anyone else was a brunette, like I said. Except for a few. There were three triplet boys who were born blond. Then there were about six or seven girls born blond. But me? I was a redhead. I had green eyes. I was not natural, that was for sure.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." I said, when I stood to my feet, dusting of my orange dress.

"I'm Jack." he smiled.

"Blaze," I remarked.

"Blaze." he repeated. "My grandmother used to tell me a story of a prophecy, on how there was a reckless rare-looking princess named Blaze."

"Couldn't be me, I'm no princess." I laughed.

"You sure do look like one! But I suspected not, your pretty clumsy." he replied, dying not to laugh.

"Hey!" I nudged him. "I may be a bit woozy, but I'm not clumsy!"

"Why'd ya fall down when my little sister tapped you? It beats me."

"Little sister?" I smiled. "I love children! Where is she?" I asked. "I think she's hiding, she got nervous when she tapped you and you fell over."

"Clara!" he shouted. Suddenly, a little girl with brown hair, and green eyes walked up to me. She had the same green eyes I did. She almost ran when she saw me, but than I spoke.

"Don't worry Clara, I'm not mad at you. I just wanted to show you somewhere."


It had been barely seven at night when I was driving home Jack and Clara. Clara was in the backseat, holding two stuffed bunnies, one with white and the other with brown fur, that I had bought for her. Than on the side of her, there were leftovers from the food I had bought her.

Suddenly, I freaked out a little. I realized it was already almost seven, and I wasn't home or back to the van as I had promised the maid and my parents. I would just tell them the truth; I took a nice little girl shopping and out for supper. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. Who am I? My mother is way overprotective. I didn't really think my father would mind, though.

Once I had got to the house they lived at, the taxi driver held out has hand. Instead of making Jack pay, I dropped fifteen dollars into his hand.

"Bye Blaze," Clara and Jack said simultaneously.

"Bye guys, I hope I'll see you again soon!" I said. And I did.

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