Sal Fisher x Reader- Blue Haired Victim

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Authors note-
Y/N- your name
Y/F/C- your favourite colour
H/C- hair colour
Also I'll be using They/them because I don't know y'alls gender
I walked down the narrow corridor of the hell I call school. I say hell because I have to go to school with my brother, Travis. If you don't know. He's a douche. Like to say he's a dick is an understatement. Anyway, the sound of my black leather shoes hitting the floor of the corridor was interrupted by a loud slam of a body hitting metal, then a voice shouting at someone else.

I quickened my pace and found Travis pinning someone to a locker. "WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME? HUH?" Travis was holding a person with blue pigtails by the collar of their shirt off the floor against the locker. "Travis!" He head snapped towards me "Leave the poor kid alone!". I raced towards him, while he dropped the blue haired victim, "Y/N, I was just having fun" Travis replied with a grin on his face "Besides! You don't know him!".

Sal's POV
I closed my eyes as I felt Travis let go of my shirt. My mask moved up my face as I hit the ground with a thud. I opened my eyes when I overheard Travis and his sibling, I think their name is Y/N, talking. "Travis, it doesn't matter if I know him or not! I have the decency to fix the shit you do!" "No one likes a goodie-two-shoes, Y/N." I plucked up my courage and shouted, "Yeah and no one likes a cliché bully, Travis."

Y/N's head snapped towards me with a smile, I gave a wave. Then they started to laugh and it was the best laugh I've ever heard. It wasn't one of those reserved laughs that most people do, it was a full tear jerker laugh. Like she had just see the best comedy movie ever. Then, the whole area went up with laughter. "Travis! Dude! You were just recked by the quiet kid!" Y/N moved towards me after giving Travis a whack on the back. They offered me a hand, "What's your name?"
"Sal. People call me Sally Face"
"Well, Sally Face." They helped me off the floor and took me by the arm "People started to call you the 'Blue Haired Victim' but you're a lot stronger than you look." They let out a breathy laugh "You wanna hang out at lunch?". I blushed, "Well I- "
"Cool! See ya at the foyer!"
They gave me a kiss on my Prosthetic and walked away with their bag slung on their shoulder.

"Sally Face! Dude! Did you see that? The whole school went up and- what happened to you?"
Larry looked at me like I was crazy, I stood in the middle of the hallway, gently tracing the place where I was kissed on my mask. "They like me."
"Who? Ash?"
"No! Travis' sibling, Y/N! They kissed me and asked me to hang with them at lunch!"
"Dude! That's dope! You're a lucky guy!"
"Yeah, they're nothing like Travis."
"I really think they're nice"
"I bet. You think they're cute too?"
"Yeah. But that's not the point."

God I hope they kiss me again.
Lucky dude, Sal. Lucky dude

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