Chapter 5💗

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We find a man holding a card with the inscription "The Harpers".. " I guess that's our guide",my Dad says and approaches him. After a while he calls Daniel and I and introduces the man to us as Mr Chukwudi..
I try pronouncing the name but it comes out in a very weird and funny way. He just laughed and asks us to call him Mr John.Dad told us that he was going to be the one to take us around the City..

"That's one heck of a name", Daniel whispers as we approach the car.

"Shut up,Daniel", I reply smiling
" Dad is gonna get mad if he gets to know we're mocking our guide" I say again.

When we get into the Car,Daniel asks,"what city are we?"

"We are in Lagos",Mr John replies
" the Centre of Excellence",he says again.

" And also your mum's state of origin ",Dad adds.

"I am positive that you're all going to like this City,and the places am going to take you guys too", Mr John says

"I hope so", Daniel whispers.

"Now Daniel,you are not going to exhibit any form of rudeness or your childish behaviour, Mr Chukwudi is our guide and you're going to give him all the respect you can get".

Dad sounds really angry.
Way to go Daniel.

"Do you understand me?",he asks again with a deep thunderous voice.

"Yes Dad", Daniel replies softly.

Dad is very calm with us but he appears very strict sometimes,especially when we exhibit a behaviour he does not like.

The traffic is very high compared to California, the vehicles aren't moving at all.Mr John described it as " Go Slow".
I also notice that most cars or buses are painted in yellow with black strips. They look rickety.
There are also some people,especially young boys  running after vehicles on the road ,some are carrying baskets while others are carrying boxes. I decide to ask Mr John about these.

I was about to ask when he said,
" I'm really sorry about the traffic,some roads have been blocked for maintenance work so that's why this road is packed ".
"Lagos is the smallest state in Nigeria yet the most populated.It's just to congested", Mr John says again.

"Why do they move here?", Daniel asks.

I didn't even know he was listening.

"It's the economic capital of Nigeria, so people believe they can get good jobs and develop their businesses very well here in Lagos.Let me just say they came here in search of greener pastures".

I like Mr John's accent, it's not amusing like that of Miguel. His spoken English is very fluent.

"Why are most vehicles painted with yellow and black?" , I ask still staring outside.

"They are commercial vehicles,Here in Nigeria, we call them Danfo. Each State here in Nigeria has a certain colour for their commercial vehicles", Mr John replies.
"Just the same way Taxis are painted yellow in New York", he says again.

"Why do they look so old and rickety"? I ask again

"We appear to have a lot of careless people here in Nigeria so they just don't maintain their vehicles", he replies.

"Who are this people on running after the vehicles",I ask again.

" Now, Stella,that's enough questions for now", my Dad says quickly.
"Let Mr John concentrate on his driving, we'll ask questions later", he adds.

"It's alright if she asks questions,Mr Harper", Mr John quickly put in
"You have a very inquisitive daughter and I like that",he adds

" She definitely got that from her Mother ",Dad says patting my head.

I just smile.

" So Stella,those people running after the vehicles are the ones to who take advantage of the traffic to display their goods and sell them since they don't have shops or they can't just afford them ",Mr John says.

Till we get to the hotel, I spend my time observing the area,the vendors and their stalls,some cattle rearers Mr John described as Fulani and also some young men smoking and drinking in a corner.Mr John called them " agbero".
It's hard to believe my mum was actually born and raised here.
Did she run around the streets half naked and playing with tyres when she was little, just like the children I saw earlier?
I wish she was alive so I could ask all these.

We get to the hotel a little after sunset.Since Dad had already made reservations we just got our keys from the reception  and we were directed to a little bungalow with 3 rooms.We were way to tired to look around the place so we just said our Good Nights and went to bed.

Hey Guys...How's the story going.

You must have noticed that I have started using some Nigerian terms or Slangs and I'll be making use of some Nigerian languages in upcoming chapters.

So for all my readers out there who do not understand them,I'll be attaching a glossary to each chapter.
So you can all just check.

Don't forget to vote and tell me how you feel by commenting.

Thanks 🙏

1..Go Slow=a Nigerian slang used to describe heavy traffic
2..Danfo=a Nigerian slang for commercial buses.
3..Fulani=a Nigerian tribe consisting mainly of cattle rearers
4..Agbero=a Nigerian slang for touts.

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