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"I don't get it, why does she leave you with me, when she is the one who wants to keep an eye out for you. "

Ever since you arrived at your old city, Lady took of on her own. That left you with the constantly cursing and complaining Nero.

"Guess there is no clue, so that I'll have to ask her later. Anyway, you know yourself around this place right, so where should we be heading to send these fuckers back to hell."

Your patience was already stretched to some extremely far point, so that it was not much until you shaped. With him acting bossy all the sudden, you blew any concerns in the wind and started to talk back.

"First of all, complain later, when there is someone who wants to hear it and second, Im not your fucking tour guide. I still need to locate the hideout of these beast, since I doubt them being so stupid to take a destroyed hideout as the new one."

With that your heart felt a bit less heavy and you sighed. As looked up at him, he was surprised to say the least. His eyes where wide and fixated on you, which does make you a bit uncomfortable again.

"Wow never guessed you where one to talk back. Guess I pushed that too far."

"What's that all of the sudden? First, you're like I don't care what's going on, I do what I want, and no one can tell me what to do and now youre sorry, Ill listen to what youre saying? "

"Its a bit complicated. "

"Well there's enough time while where here, so start explaining when you feel like it. If not, keep your mouth shut and do what we are supposed to do here."

He remained silent after your outburst. You figured that he just didn't want to talk about it, so you left it. Your target was something different after all.

Both of you walked around the ruins, with no clue, where the demons could be hiding. In your head, some memories showed you the way, how everything used to be around here. As you entered the street, where your home once was, you couldn't hold the tear back in and it slides across your face.

From the corner of his eye, Nero noticed your reaction, but he didn't do anything. He felt like it would be wrong to approach you now. You slowly closed the distance between you and the pile of stone, that was once the bright home of your family.

"Lets search somewhere else. I wont be any good if I get caught up in memories around here."

You turned around started walking away from the ruined street. It wasn't long until you felt something staring at you. As you turned around, you saw Nero staring at you, but your attention was somewhere behind him. Hiding in some of the ruins were a pair of red eyes, locked onto you.

In a quick motion, which Lady has teached you, you pulled your rifle from the back and started to aim. To your surprise, everything was clear to see and seemed to slow down as you tried to get the beasts into the crosshair. Nero was taken aback by your action but couldn't say anything before you pulled the trigger. The painful sound came from the demon, as you saw it running away.

"Dammit, missed that one."

"Impressive, I got to say."

"Im pretty sure everyone of you might have killed it with that shot, so I wont call that a good one."

""That was a compliment asshole. Now get back a bit and let me finish it, cause he's about to get you back for his wound."

Before you could react, a demon, that looked like an oversized dog came running at you from behind a pile of dust. Then there was something glowing flying at it and as it collided, it was stopped and pulled to Nero. He then proceeded to grab its head with his demonic arm and smashed it into the ground. He held it there, while his other hand grabbed the sword on his back, with which he impaled the demon.

As he pulled the sword back out, you swore to hear some engine sounds as Nero dashed past you in an inhumane speed. As you turned to follow his actions, he was already standing between two dark masses, that were already disintegrating.

"Yep, I definitely wont get to your level in at least twenty years."

"Its just a biological advantage. This arm proves it. Though it can be useful, it just sucks to be somewhere public with this thing."

"Its definitely an eye-catcher. Just out of curiosity, what can you do with this arm of yours? "

"Youve just seen one of its most useful. Though it does have the ability to store objects, too."

"Never have I ever though I see something like that in life. I don't know I if should be envious about your possibilities with this arm or feel sorry for you."

"Neither should be fine, either way, as much as you wont appreciate me repeating your words, but we should keep going with our task at hand."

"Right, sorry."

Now he took the lead and tried to guide you through the maze of streets, dust and stone. Much to your surprise, no other demon crossed your paths.

"Something feels very fishy here. Where are they?"

"I dont know, but they must be around here somewhere. Maybe they are trying to set up something, like an ambush?"

"I highly doubt that. There arent even any of them close to us. Were not goanna find anything, if this continues."

"Well, Im down for a break, as long as its peaceful."


His face showed something like disbelief.

"Im human, not part devil and I'm new to this kind of business, so forgive me for not being on the same level with any of you."

"You do have a point. Sorry for not thinking about it."

"Your surrounded by people, of which none would be labelled as normal or ordinary. Id say its normal to have some different expectations regarding certain topics."

You have found yourself a rather comfy spot in the shadow of a half-destroyed wall, where you quickly sat down. Nero seemed to think a little, before he joins you.

"So, about our conversation earlier. What is so complicated about the situation, that you currently arent grumpy anymore, just like you always were, as long as Ive known you."

"Its because of my girlfr.......ex-girlfriend. We were together since we were kids and both of us truly loved the other, but somehow her feelings changed. I cant tell why exactly but she just said that it might be better to part ways."

A little bit of sadness and sobbing found its way into his voice. You could clearly see, how deep these words must have hit him. The little tear in his eye proved it to you.

"And when I talked to you, even if it was only for a small moment, I could somehow forget about her."

You honestly had no idea how you should respond to things he is saying, but you know how much this must have lessens the weight on his heart. You were grateful for him sharing this with you.

"Well, I dont have any experience with that stuff apart from scenes of some teenage-love-cliché-film. But, it does help to talk about everything that swirls around in your head. Thats what I learned through the help of some of my friends. Sadly, none of them seemed to have survived."

"Seems like both of us lost something. Maybe thats why I feel different about you, and Ill think I take you up on that offer to listen to my ramblings. Though it would be better if we do that, when the bastards are back in hell. So ready to continue?"

"Not much for a break, huh. I guess I can continue. There are some special spots around here which might hide some information about their whereabouts."

"Lead the way. Youre my tour guide today. Ill keep your back safe."

"Fine by me, as long as you dont complain anymore."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2019 ⏰

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