Chapter two

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Beca's POV
"Great work today Em, That's a wrap" I said as I stuff my laptop and hard drives into my laptop bag.

"We in tomorrow aswell?" Emily asks I shake my head "Take tomorrow off, I need to spend some quality time with Chloe, I feel bad today was meant to be my day off but I came in here to help you." I tell her, Emily's face went from happy to sad.

"Aw beca I never new that, I would of got some stuff done myself, you could of told me." Emily tells me

"I know Em, but you know how I feel about my music" Emily just nodded I swung my bag over my shoulder and pulled my phone out my pocket and my keys.

"I'll see you soon Em, take care" I shouted on my way out the door. I make my way down to the car park and into my Black Mercedes and on the road home.

I pulled up into the driveway of mine and Chloe's house. Walking into the house and taking off my shoes I set off to find Chloe.

"Babe" I shout through the house but there was no answer. "Chloe!" I shout louder but still no answer. I check all the rooms in the house but there's no sign of Chloe I pull my phone out my pocket and call Chloe.

"Hey babe"
"Aw Chloe, thank god your okay"
"I should of texted you, but I'm stuck in traffic I'll be home in about ten minutes"
"That's fine, I'll just stick the food in the oven so we can eat when you get home"
"Okay babe, I'll be home as quick as possible"
"Alright, byeee"
"Bye Bec"
As Chloe hangs up I put the food in the oven and turn it on low.
I make my way through to mine and Chloe's room. I change from work cloths into a pair of sweats and my barden jumper.

Making my way through to my office I sit down and load up my computer. I email Emily with some ideas for the song and people who could play the music for us. I was sending my emails when my phone goes off It was Jessica. Jessica and Ashley didn't know what they wanted too do so with my job of becoming a Singer and music producer I needed some people to help me with finding client and that so Jessica and Ashley came too work with me.

"Hey jess, what's up" I say curious to why she was phoning. "Beca, there was a accident on the motorway Chloe was involved...." At this point I wasn't listening I turn my computer off and run through to my bedroom and change into a pair of jeans and a top.

"J-jess is she alright?" I ask a tear rolling down my face I wipe it away away and quickly pull a pair of shoes on. "She's in the hospital Beca I don't know whats happened too her, I can meat you at the hospital" I nod and Rush out to turn the oven off. "Okay jess I'll get you there, thanks for the call. Can you please call Aubrey and the Bella's?" I grab my eyes off the counter and pull my leather jacket on.

"I will do bec, I'll see you there" I hang up and Shove my phone into my pocket I rush out the door and into my Mercedes.

Pulling up at the hospital I burst open my car door and run towards the hospital doors expecting the worse. I see Aubrey, Stacie, Jess, Ashley, CR and Emily. As soon as I make my way towards them I break down Aubrey engulfs me in a hug.

"Chloe Beale" The doctor shouts I wipe my eyes and make my way towards him with the bella's
"Miss...." the doctor asks "Mitchell" I spoke " Miss Mitchell Chloe has just gotten out of surgery, Luckily she only has a broken arm and a fracture in her Ring finger. She's a lucky one" I take a giant breath thankful that Chloe was okay.

"That's good, can I see her" The doctor nods "Only one of you the now she's just out of surgery so it might be weird to have a lot of people around her." The doctor Tells us I turn too look at the rest of the bella's and they all nod at me I smile and nod back.

"What room doc" I asked "102" I smile at him while Aubrey thanks him the bella's go to sit back down while I make my way towards Chloe's room.

I take a big breath before entering Chloe room.

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