Part 17

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Arnav found himself captivated by the woman seated across from him

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Arnav found himself captivated by the woman seated across from him. She seemed blissfully unaware of her own beauty, navigating life with effortless poise. The hazel orbs, a captivating shade of light brown, held a mesmerizing allure, complemented by the subtle touch of kohl that accentuated her eyes. His gaze then traced the perfectly symmetrical line of her nose, and he couldn't help but be drawn to the delectable lips adorned with his favorite colored gloss.

Despite her overall elegance, there was a subtle undercurrent of nervousness in her posture. Her focused gaze remained fixed on the menu book as she deliberated over what to order, adding an intriguing layer to the enchanting scene unfolding before Arnav.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" she inquired, her focus seemingly fixated on the menu book.

Arnav, his calm demeanor intact, responded with a gentle smile, "Like what?"

Her hazel eyes briefly shifted towards him before returning to the menu, and Arnav released a hearty chuckle. "Remember the date you took me on before we got married?" he reminisced, a fond smile playing on his lips.

"Mmhmm..." Khushi acknowledged, her attention now fully on his words.

Arnav, with a hint of amusement, continued, "It was a truly memorable night. You were absolutely charming." He couldn't help but recall the clumsy yet endearing moment when Khushi struggled to open a wine bottle.

Khushi scoffed, "Charming or chaotic? I'd prefer the latter," rolling her eyes at the memory of her old, silly self.

"I loved the chaotic Khushi to bits," Arnav confessed sincerely, a warmth in his eyes.

As she looked up, a trace of uneasiness crossed her face. "You mean you don't love the collected, sophisticated Khushi that I am now?"

"Of course, I love you, Khushi. More than anything. I didn't mean it like that," Arnav reassured, reaching for her hand on the table. "You're my happiness, always have been." A relieved smile crossed her face. "I just meant I miss that sometimes. Not that you're not allowed to be your crazy, chaotic self today. You can be both collected and crazy," he added, caressing her hand as he observed her with keen affection.

"For a change, I find myself loving the calm, patient, and gentle Arnav more than the old version," she confessed, her fingers playing with his hand.


"But I do miss bickering with you sometimes." A mischievous grin appeared on her face. "I enjoyed pressing your buttons, deliberately aggravating you to get a reaction. It was fun," her eyes glinted with mischief.

He playfully rolled his eyes, remarking, "Only you had the guts to do that." Shaking his head, he took the menu book from her hand, assuming control. "It's been fifteen minutes, and who knows what you're trying to decide. I'm famished," he declared.

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